Chapter 3: Merida and Hiccup

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Relieved sighs fill the air as everyone obediently follows Mailin's directive and takes their seats. At the front row, Elsa, Jack, Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel, and Eugene settle in, their expressions a mix of anticipation and apprehension. Behind them, a diverse array of characters from different worlds and realms find their places, forming a mosaic of allies and acquaintances.

Meanwhile, the five orchestrators of this unusual gathering remain standing on the stage, their discomfort evident as they exchange uncertain glances.

"Do we really need them too?" Mailin questions, her uncertainty palpable. Henry and Jackson exchange a knowing look before nodding in unison.

"I mean, they're big parts of their lives," Mary points out, her voice tinged with reason.

With a resigned sigh, Mailin signals to the back of the theater, where the Dimension Princess awaits. A blinding flash of light momentarily dazzles the onlookers, eliciting gasps of astonishment as the brilliance fades away, revealing an unexpected sight.

Seated in the very last row, confined by shackles and ensnared by spell runes, are Pitch Black, Mother Gothel, Hans, and Drago. The mere presence of these antagonists ignites a storm of emotions among the gathered crowd.

"What the fuck?!" Jack erupts in fury, his fellow Guardians mirroring his defensive stance.

"Why is he here?!" Anna and Elsa demand, their eyes ablaze with contempt as they fixate on Hans with disdain.

Rapunzel is rendered speechless by the shock of the revelation, her husband Eugene offering a comforting hand on her shoulder in silent solidarity.

Stoick's glare pierces through the darkness as he directs his ire towards Drago, his disdain evident in every line of his rugged visage.

"Apparently they're necessary," Henry explains with a resigned shrug, attempting to quell the rising tension.

"We don't know why, she said it's for the plot or something," Lily adds, gesturing towards the Dimension Princess's direction.

"Just deal with it," Mailin interjects casually, though her brother's ashen complexion betrays his inner turmoil as he fixates on Pitch with a mixture of fear and trepidation.

Amidst the clamor of voices, Mary raises her own in a commanding shout, instantly quelling the commotion and restoring order to the room. Her friends exchange proud grins as they bask in the momentary silence that follows.

"Let's just sit down as well so we can start," Lily suggests, her tone practical as she guides her friends towards their seats.

As the lights dim and the screen flickers to life, anticipation hangs thick in the air, marking the beginning of a journey that promises to unravel mysteries and forge unexpected alliances.

We see Stoick on a boat, holding a 5-year old Hiccup in his arms.

The girls awe, as if on cue. Hiccup blushes, embarrassed.

Everyone but the guardians stare wide eyed at the screen, they've never seen such a thing!

They gather themselves quickly though, eager to see what's being played.

"Hey, it's the twerp!" Snoutlout laughs, shoving Hiccup from where he is sitting behind him.

Hiccup grumbles something under his breath, caressing where Snoutlout hit him.

"Hey! Leave him be!" Rapunzel points her frying pan at Snoutlout.

"Awe, did you get yourself a little girlfriend?" Snoutlout cackles.

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