Chapter 17

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yall i genuinely think this cold is gonna be the death of me ugh i LOST MY VOICE TODAY i can do the sexy smelly cat cover ugh 😤

anyway SURPRISE! enjoy :)


Exclusive: Margot Paradis Spotted Leaving Taylor Swift's New York Apartment

The 34-year-old fashion entrepreneur seemingly spent the night at girlfriend Taylor Swift's apartment after a night of partying. She was spotted by passersby leaving some time early in the morning in a makeup free look with her hair pinned up. She was wearing a casual look in contrast to the beautiful, dazzling gown she had opted for last night. In a pair of jeans and a simple button-down, Margot was more than happy to offer the fans a smile as she climbed into her car.


Margot walked into her penthouse and was immediately attacked by Kennington begging for attention. She crouched down to his level but he wouldn't let her pick him just yet, deciding to run around her in overly excited zoomies instead.

Margot laughed, sitting down on her butt instead and as soon as she did, he came running back and jumped into her lap. He put his front paws up on her chest and started licking her face and though she tried to pull him off, it was impossible. He was way too excited.

"Hey! Good morning!" Thalia greeted her, padding into the hallway in a pair of sweatpants and a Pink Floyd t-shirt with a bleached stain on the arm. "I just took him for a walk."

"Oh, thank you!" Margot replied, carrying Kennington in her arms as she stood up and leaned in to embrace her friend. "How was your night?"

"Kenny and I had lots of fun!" Thalia responded, scratching the dog's head as she walked past Margot to make her way to the kitchen.

"You would have had more fun at the event with us," Margot pointed out, following her in and beelining for the coffee machine, starting it up.

Thalia shrugged. "Meh, I wasn't in the mood for snobby models and fashion vloggers in camp outfits trying to look trendy," she said, picking two mugs out of the cupboard and putting them on the counter. "But I'm sure your show was different!"

Margot laughed, putting Ken down when he started getting restless. "Not that different. That's just what the fashion industry's like."

Thalia hummed, opening the fridge to find a few ingredients to make herself some breakfast. "Artists and art collectors aren't all that different either. They can be snobbier too sometimes. When they come into the gallery and open their mouths, sometimes I just wanna barf."

Margot let out a laugh, pouring them each a cup of hot coffee.

"Are we hypocritical? We're rich and snobby. You're even richer and snobbier, you nepo baby!"

"Now, that is such a lie," Thalia exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at Margot. "Not the nepo baby thing. That's valid. But you've made a shitton of money in the past few years. You're gonna hit billionaire status soon. How close are you?"

Margot made a face. "Nah. Not that close, actually. I'd give it another decade."

"What's your net worth?" Thalia asked curiously, picking out a couple of eggs from the fridge. "Also do you want an omelette?"

Margot made a sound in the back of her throat. "Yeah, I could go for an omelette."

"Do you even know what your net worth is?"

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