Chapter 24

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am i currently posting this from a bathtub?

you shall never know


happy tuesday! enjoy<3

~ Lou <3


When Taylor woke up in the morning, she was alone in the hotel suite. A quick, squinting glance at her phone told her it was just past eleven. There was also a message on her phone from none other than Margot.

She smiled while using her free hand to rub her eyes and tapping on the message to open the text chain and read it.

Margot: Morning, sweetheart! I might even already be back by the time you read this. (You sleep a lot, babe). Naomi and I are meeting with one of the members of the board of directors for the magazine. Quite the snobby man. So boring!!! Don't tell anyone I said that... Anyway, I won't be long. There's breakfast in the kitchenette.

With a small yawn, Taylor rolled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom first to shower and freshen up a little. They had to start getting ready soon anyway.

Taylor took a glance at herself in the bathroom mirror and chuckled when she found Margot's lipstick stain on her chest. It was smudged but still quite prominent. The night before, Margot had been wearing a shade of rouge that was quite dark.

She was also still wearing the body chain.

She recalled the way Margot had looked at her wearing it.

She would never get tired of that look.

She would live in that chain for the rest of her life if she could.

Unfortunately, she knew it was probably expensive as fuck and she didn't want to risk losing one of the diamonds in the shower and down the drain so she unclasped it and left it on the bathroom counter before hopping under the warm stream of water.

She ran the bar of soap over her body and watched as Margot's lipstick started disappearing. She could still remember the feeling of Margot's lips leaving that kiss just above her breast. It made her bite down on her bottom lip and close her eyes.

Taylor put the soap away and ran her free hand over her body, massaging her own breasts, kneading the muscles just like Margot always did. Pinching her nipples. Picturing her tongue teasing them until they hardened and pebbled.

Her other hand started moving lower, her fingers brushing down her stomach and pelvis, over her hipbones and down her thighs. She must have been ovulating or something because there was no way the memory of last night's incredible sex was turning her on that badly. But then again, it was incredible sex, and Margot was so incredibly hot, and god, those hands of hers! She knew exactly how to use them, somehow always at the right place, her fingers always right where Taylor needed them the most.

The thought of Margot's lips finding her neck and her chest and then her sex, Margot kneeling in front of her in the shower, licking her, tasting her, absolutely devouring her—

Taylor's eyes opened wide, high on alert, when a knock came on the bathroom door.

"Morning, sweetheart! Can I come in?"

Taylor cleared her throat and turned to find the shampoo bottle. "Uh, yeah, yeah. 'Course. I'll only be a minute."

Margot opened the door a second later and closed it behind her before standing by the sink.

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