Chapter 27

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this... THIS is my roman empire....

holy fuck they're soooo AAAAA! This is Taia and you can't convince me otherwise. The way they're holding each other?? Taylor's little tongue poking out? Her finger? Why is it pointing at me like that? (bc she's calling me gay) Jack photobombing in the back?

GAH i love them sm

anyway, i submitted my last exam for this term an hour ago and i feel GREAT plus i'm going to swiftageddon tonight so thats super exciting!!! i hope they play WCS i need to scream that shit

okay now i nap



EXCLUSIVE: Margot Paradis reportedly lands in New York with girlfriend Taylor Swift amidst divorce feud with Harry Fitzroy

As Paradis was celebrating in Milan for Fashion Week, her ex was plotting against her. It seems as though the Fitzroy Industries heir has his eye on a new treasure: Paradis Design and Magazine, Margot's whole life's work.
We have reached out to both parties for a comment but we have not heard back from either yet.


As soon as the plane landed, Margot had her driver drop Taylor off at her apartment in TriBeCa before heading straight to the office.

She had managed to get through to her lawyers and agreed to meet there as soon as she was back in New York. She had never been more grateful for good wifi on a jet.

There was a temp sitting in Naomi's seat, someone Margot vaguely recognised from another department and she wished she could have been the meaner kind of boss so that Naomi would have been there instead, but unfortunately, her assistant still had another few days of vacation and Margot was too nice to ask her assistant to cut her holiday short.

"Good morning, Miss Paradis! Welcome back!" She said way too enthusiastically. She was faking the enthusiasm.

Everyone was aware of what had happened.

She could feel it, the shift.

Usually, the whole floor would be buzzing right after fashion week, excited for a new chapter. The writers had an infinite amount of sources to pull out one article after another and the designers had enough inspiration to come up with new ideas.

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