chapter 1

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hey guys!! here's the first official chapter!

So a few things before we delve into this new rollercoaster... i don't generally like to get political on here but this is something that affects me personally. it affects people i know closely and it affects my family and my country and i really feel like i need to say something about it. Support Palestine. Free Palestine. Make your voices heard. Let their voices be heard. 8000 people have died in the past 3 weeks, 3000+ of them were innocent children, the rest unarmed civilians. millions more in the past 75+ years of oppression. Standing neutral is no longer an option. Not letting their voices be heard is not an option. We're watching the erasure of an entire country right before our eyes. It is genocide, and no one's doing anything, but speaking up does help. The Palestinian people are being denied basic human rights from access to water and food and medical aid to a complete communication blackout and standing back and saying that we cant do anything about it is not okay, because we can. our voices ARE being heard.

That's my little bit on the matter.

Free Palestine.

Kaia would want you to spread the word.


And any hate in the comments will not be tolerated. Be kind. Don't spread hate to anyone. Don't be an Islamaphobe or an antisemist. Just be kind and have some compassion and humanity.

Anyway, please enjoy this story!

Lou, out x 🫳 🎤


. Fashion Entrepreneur and Editor-In-Chief of Paradis Magazine, Margot Paradis, Spotted With Arm Around Model Maia Gutierrez Amidst Divorce Drama with Ex-Husband Harry Fitzroy 


Margot loved her job. Not one day was ever like the one before it. There was always a new problem to tackle, a new design to deal with, a new article with rumours to squash. She never knew what to expect for the rest of her day as she rode the elevator up to the thirty-first floor of the office building first thing in the morning, but nothing was ever surprising.

She loved how unpredictable it all was and she absolutely lived for the rush she got from the job.

Being the editor-in-chief of Paradis Magazine and the chairwoman of the fashion brand Paradis Design, started by her and her brother who was also the creative director of the company, there was never any room for breathing. There was always something happening, from making sure that the monthly issues of the magazine were ready to be published on time to making public appearances at every show and gala out there and dealing with celebrities debuting custom outfits at events. It wasn't easy and it was certainly chaotic, but oh, god, was it thrilling! She wouldn't want to do anything else.

Walking into her office that morning, she was expecting a booklet with all the new ideas on her desk, a cup of coffee already waiting for her next to it. She was expecting a post-it note on her computer screen with a bunch of calls she had to return, namely, one from a certain client she was ignoring on purpose because dealing with him was always a pain in the ass and gave her migraines. She wouldn't have been surprised either if she would have been told that they had gone way over budget for the upcoming issue or that she had to be on the first plane out to the Milan offices for the European issue of the magazine.

What she wasn't expecting was her assistant Naomi standing there while hugging her tablet to her chest, rocking back and forth on her heels excitedly. Naomi was shorter than Margot but she made up for it with the four-inch heels she wore every day. She was cute, still in her twenties, fresh out of grad school, with big brown curls and wide eyes, and she knew exactly what Margot always needed without her having to ask most of the time.

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