Chapter 26

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or is it...?


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Margot had been to Venice before but she had never really seen its charm. Everyone always said that it was one of the most romantic cities in the world but she always found that it was more of a tourist attraction than anything else.

It was different with Taylor. She started seeing its charm, the magic in the old buildings and the canals, the gondolas and the music that seemed to play from all the bridges and the buildings that were hundreds of years old.

Somehow, they managed to remain undetected the whole two days they were there. They roamed through the colourful streets, hand in hand, and stopped to get ice cream from gelaterias. They sipped on Italian wine at dinner and strolled back to their hotel, tipsy and giggly.

It was the perfect end to a perfect week.

Margot let the door to their hotel room close behind them and placed her hands on Taylor's waist, pushing her back until the back of her knees hit the bed.

Taylor giggled, wrapping her arms around Margot's neck, and threw herself back against the mattress. Margot fell on top of her and caught her weight with her hands on either side of Taylor's waist while smiling widely at her.

"Oh, I don't wanna go back home tomorrow," Taylor murmured, running her nails along Margot's back.

"Hmm..." Margot chuckled but she wasn't going to admit that she missed work. She missed her office and she was aching to find out whether the company had burst into flames in her absence. She trusted her brother and the rest of the team to keep everything running smoothly and the ship sailing but she was a control freak and she liked to be on top of things herself.

Plus, she really missed Kennington. She was sure Charlie was driving him insane.

The break was great though. It was much needed and she felt like it had brought her and Taylor closer than ever.

Every single day she got to know her a little better, she found something new about Taylor to adore.

Margot leaned down and caught Taylor's lips in a gentle kiss. When she pulled away, she ran her thumb over Taylor's cheek affectionately and smiled at her.

"It won't be any different when we're back home," Margot told her. "I'll still obsessively follow you around and you'll still let me raid your closet and dress you up like my own personal Barbie doll."

Taylor laughed and pulled Margot in for another kiss before pressing their foreheads together.

"Should we order some wine?" The blonde asked. "End the trip with a bang?"

Margot raised her eyebrows, smirking at that accidental double-entendre.

"Oh, we're totally going to bang, wine or no wine!"

Taylor blushed, finally realising what she had said, but she laughed anyway because Margot's grin widened and she kissed her again.

"How about this, why don't you run a bath for us and I'll order some room service," Margot suggested. "Some wine, some dessert too, maybe?"

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