3 • dowager

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"Lady Y/n, you should come with me." Everyone, including yours and Consort Hwangs ladies in waiting looked at the court lady. One of the Queen Dowager's court lady's. "The Queen Dowager would like to see you." You nodded. After all it was something you couldn't say no to. Nobody had more power within the palace than the Queen Dowager, although some could argue the King he would always listen to his mothers advice.

You followed the court lady to the Queen Dowagers part of the palace, Ms Kim with you the whole time.

This was something you weren't used to, although the Queen Dowager never showed her angry side to you the rumours were loud and especially from outside the palace with the nobles.

You entered the quarters and sat infront of her, she didn't even try to hide her expression with a fake smile. It did intimidate you. But as soon as she finally looked at your face a small smile formed on her lips, it was sweet not wicked. It eased you into the lions den.

"I heard your father has just informed the King of your want for marriage. You've waited long enough." She laughed, a laughter was forced out of your lips too. "I wouldn't be surprised if these princes started begging their mothers to marry you, you've made a very positive impression on them all. Some more than others" she said signalling her lady's in waiting to pour tea for the two of you. You declined the offer.

"Are you sure? It's got some very great affects." She smiled taking a sip of her own.

"I have tea planned with the Queen and I would like to leave my stomach empty for that." You smiled but this was just met with the Queen dowagers slightly dropping. She tried to quickly conceal it but you had already seen it.

"I wanted to share my opinion of your marriage." You waited patiently for her to continue. "I believe Grand Prince Seongnam and you would make an amazing couple" she smiled. You were confused by this, although the other women in the palace were unaware of how you also treated Seongnam, there was no way the Queen dowager wasn't aware. But you couldn't do what she did. You kept a smile on your face.

"That's a lovely compliment , however I don't believe S- Grand Prince Seongnam wants to marry. Especially not yet."

"We all know it's not his choice. The kings second son should be married after all his eldest already has a second child on the way." You wanted to throw up, the idea of having kids with Seongnam genuinely made you feel sick. He wasn't bad looking but his personality...that was his major downfall. "You should be proud that you have an opportunity to marry a Grand Prince."

"Yes you're correct but I have had other offers already, my father hasn't even-"

"Other offers? From who? Who's so persuading that you wouldn't listen to my word?"

"No one your highness, I was just trying to share that there's a lot to think about." It went silent between the two of you. It was clear you didn't want to be there anymore and it was clear she wasn't pleased with what you said.

"Lady Y/n, it's about time we head to meet the Queen for tea." Ms Kim said, sensing the tension. You respectfully excused yourself and then left. Making your way straight to the queens quarters.

"Lady Y/n it feels like ages since we properly last saw each other, I apologise for my recent absence. You can understand the princes can be quite a handful especially when school is concerned." She laughed as she took a seat across from you. Unlike with the Queen dowager you felt so comfortable and at ease here. It was nice. "Before we get distracted, I heard the exciting news. Is there anyone you are particularly interested in to marry?" She smiled.

"Your highness it's all people have talked to me about today. It's quite a tiring subject , no wonder I put it off for so long." You laughed and she did too.

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