25 • the prince's birthday

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After breakfast the two of you went in the carriage to head off to the surprise location for Seongnams birthday. It was your family's summer estate , somewhere that over the past few years Seongnam had grown very fond of. However this time it would be just the two of you and Ms Kim, no one else to possibly bother you both having a good few days.

"I can already tell where we are going." Seongnam smiled, noticing the familiar road. "Will you finally give me your gift when we arrive?"

"Yes I will, it's already over there so don't ask for it yet." You said preempting his questions, Seongnam just smiled in response. The journey was peaceful, the two of you chatting about little things that made you smile and just enjoying your time together alone.

"Have you got anything special planned?"

"There's dinner with some music but other than that, I've not gone crazy on the planning. I want it to be relaxing for you, a time for you to wind down and enjoy." You shared smiling at him.

"I love you" he said whilst giving you a light kiss on the lips. "You're the best." He said before kissing you again but this one was a bit longer and allowed you to kiss back too. Let's just say the two of you got a little carried away.

"Stop, we can't go any further in a carriage." You said stopping Seongnam before he progressed.

"Why not? It's just us"

"And the driver and the guards!" You whisper shouted at your husband, he just laughed.

"Shall we stop the carriage then?" This just earnt a glare from you causing Seongnam to laugh loudly. "I'm just messing with you." He said giving another light kiss before moving away slightly.

Soon the two of you arrived, and the relaxing days flew by quickly. The two of you moving away from the stress of the palace and experience a normal life, a life where you would walk into the village and buy fresh produce daily. A life where Seongnam was abole to be more hands on like he preferred and he helped out your neighbours with repairs or fishing or farming. Some may think that the two of you did a lot during a relaxing break but for Seongnam this was perfect, the activities allowing him to focus on the present rather than the stress that would pile up when he reentered the palace.

"You know we never danced at our wedding." Seongnam pointed out when the two of you are your dinner. You looked at him and then at the musicians.

"Well we were in a different place to what we are now." You said not overly concerned that your wedding didn't follow every tradition. "Why do you bring it up though?"

"Oh it's just I recognised the song for our wedding. It just reminded me of it."

"You can remember the songs from our wedding?" You asked a bit surprised he remembered it all in such detail.

"I can remember every second of it." It went silent between you two as you both thought about your wedding day. It wasn't the best of days in your relationship.

"Are you trying to get me to dance now?" You smiled trying to lighten the mood.

"Would you like to?" You were a little shocked he actually wanted to.

"I can't dance-"

"Oh don't be silly , you forget I've known you ever since I entered the palace. And that includes when you and your friends learnt to dance because you were doing it in the palace gardens in front of my mother." He shared accidentally revealing he was watching you that day despite not being with his mother. This just made a smile form on your face.

"I have a feeling you loved me before you can even admit it." You laughed.

"Well there's nothing wrong with that." He smiled, a flush creeping on his cheeks. "Shall we dance." He said getting up and requesting your hand. You let out a light laugh before accepting his hand, the two of you dancing and laughing to the music playing in the back. Soon holding each other close.

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