Request by @itsfreyax
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Michael was so excited to see the pictures from thir photoshoot, ready to choose the album cover. The pictures came up on the computer screen and Luke would click to the next one, Michael noticed his belly was sticking out in most of the pictures and he became more and more insecure after each picture. "I like that one." He fake smiled as a picture came up, Michael was wearing a really baggy sweater so his stomach wasn't even noticeable and everyone was looking great. "That's the only one you like?" Calum asked, "I just really like this one...." Michael mumbled and Luke went to the next picture. Michael noticed his shirt was riding up in the picture and showed his belly, he blushed a dark red and went to his dressing room. He sat on the couch with his knees to his chest, taking off his shoes and putting his face in between his knees, his chipmunk cheeks squishing. "Mike, you alright?" Calum asked through the door and Michael sniffled, close to tears. The door opened and Luke sat next to the sulking boy, "What's the matter?" Calum asked and Michael shrugged. "You know what I think, I think a certain someone is insecure about really nothing at all." Calum smiled and Michael shook his head. "I'm ugly and fat." He mumbled, "Okay, since when?" Calum asked. "Since......forever I guess." Michael mumbled and played with a little string on his sock, Calum wrapped his arms around the black haired boy and pulled him into his chest. "Perfect. That's what you are." Calum whispered into Michael's hair, kissing his head and squeezing his mid section. "You need glasses Cal." Michael chuckled nervously, "A blind man could see how beautiful you are." Calum laughed and held Michael to his chest. "You really think I'm p-pretty?" Michael asked, his heart beating as he was waiting for his crush to answer. "I love you Mikey." Calum admitted and Michael wrapped his arms around his best friend's waist, "I love you too Cally." Michael smiled into the tan boy's neck and Calum kissed Michael's cheek. Calum laid Michael down on the couch and lifted up Michael's shirt, Michael's round belly sticking out and Calum kissed up the mound of flesh, groping folds and making Michael moan. "Guys, what the hell is going on in there?" Ashton asked through the door and both boys stood up quickly, Michael quickly pulled his shirt down and Ashton entered, seeing both boy's with mad blushes on their faces. "Hey Luke you were right!" Ashton shouted and the two boys blushed an even darker red, but Michael walked over to Calum and pecked his lips, making both boy's smile widely.