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I wake up to my phone ringing. I groan as I roll over grabbing it off my nightstand. The words on the screen read 'Bella' I answer it and immediately hear a loud voice. "Hey! You answered the phone! Fucking finally" my best friend exclaims. "It's too early for your bullshit Isabelle" I groan. I can almost hear her frown. "Get out of bed! We're gonna be late for school dumb ass" the girl says. I sigh and get out of bed. "I hate you Bella" I grumble. "I love you too. See you soon, bye!" She says as she hangs up. I go over to my closet and grab out an outfit. I get dressed then putting my socks and shoes on. I put my phone in my pocket and my headphones in my backpack. It's only the second week of school and I already hate being a freshmen. I grumble as I go downstairs my parents nowhere in sight. I can't remember the last time they actually were home before I left for school. I grab a banana and leave. I walk to school and once I get there I'm immediately hugged by Bella. "You made it!" She says smiling and kissing my forehead. I groan. Bella's a Junior, She always been taller than me. We met when I was 3. I'm currently 14. Almost 15. She's 17. She treats me like a little sister and I pretend to hate it but secretly love it. She somehow knows that. "What are you thinking about Y/n/n?" She asks as we walk inside. "I had another strange dream last night." I say as I take a bite out of my banana. "Did it involve that guy named Sebastian?" She asks putting her stuff in her locker. I nod as I do the same. "I'll tell you more during lunch. I gotta go to class" I tell her as I wave goodbye. 

Sebastian's POV

I wake up to Dodger licking my face. "Chris get your dog" I groan. "Nope, get up you can't live here forever Seb" I hear my best friend say. I sit up and get off the couch. "Have you heard from the owner of the house yet?" He asks. I let out a sigh and nod. "Yeah, the house is mine now." I tell him as I make myself some toast. "Isn't it the house you lived in before you left for college?" He asks turning a page in his book. I just nod. "Apparently from what the old owner said, The girl I raised still lives next door" I tell him, as I sit next to him turning on the TV. "You mean Y/n?" He asks. I nod. "I don't think she remembers me. I mean I've been gone for 5 years." I tell him. "You were raising her since she was born. Of course she probably remembers you Seb!" He exclaims. I roll my eyes. "That girl had some memory issues when she was younger. She forgot her cats name more than once" I tell him chuckling. "Well you're moving your stuff in today right?" He asks. I nod again. "Introduce yourself tomorrow. That way you don't seem desperate to see her again" Chris tells me. I just nod. "We gotta be on set to wrap up filming. Let's go" I tell him. He nods and we both leave.


The lunch bell rings and I let out a sigh of relief. Finally. I make it to lunch and get my food. I sit down and wait for Bella. When she shows up she gives me a look which is code for 'spill the tea' I roll my eyes and let out a sigh. "It was like a memory from when I was younger. Like 4 or 5. I was running around my backyard of my ho-" "Mansion" Bella cuts me off. I glare at her. "What! It practically is a mansion!" She exclaims. "You're making it sound like I'm rich!" I whisper yell. "You are!" She tells me. "Anyways continue" I roll my eyes. "I was running around my backyard yelling something like 'You can't catch!' And then I tripped over a rock and this guy who seemed to be like 17 ran over to me saying something like. 'Y/n? Are you okay? Where does it hurt?' and I responded with 'I'm fine bubba' and thats the part that confuses me. The only person I've called bubba was my neighbor who took care of me while my parents weren't home. Which was practically everyday since I was born apparently" I tell Bella. She just nods signaling me to go on. "After that it's kinda blurry and fuzzy, I don't remember much just him taking me inside putting a bandage on my knee and then I said 'Thank you Sebby!' and he said 'You're welcome Bambi' and thats when I woke up" I tell her. "Why did he call you Bambi?" Bella asks me. I shrug. The announcements go off telling us school is over after lunch. I let out a smile. "Wanna hang out at my place?" I ask Bella as we throw away our garbage and head back to our lockers. "Uhm, Of course!" She says excited. We grab our backpacks and head back to my place. When we get there we see a move in truck next door and two adult males. One looks like the guy in my dream. "Psst, Bella, The guy carrying the desk is kinda what the guy in my dream looked like" I tell my best friend. She looks over and then looks back at me. "Let's just go inside bunny" She says calling me a new nickname. I nod and I unlock the front door and we go inside. We go up to my room and take our bags and shoes off. "I still can't believe you have a fucking walk in closet and a master bathroom." Bella exclaims, flopping down on my Alaskan queen bed. "And this huge fucking bed" She mumble. I chuckle as I grab her hand dragging into my closet. "Your closet still fucking amazes me. You have your own fucking vanity in here. And then next to your bedroom you have your own fucking library and gaming room, along with your own office." She says. "I wish I lived here" She frowns. I slap her shoulder. "Shut the fuck up, you practically do live here. You own one of our guest rooms." I tell her. She rubs her shoulder. "You have a point. Do you even wear most of these dresses?" She asks me. I nod. "Not that often but I do." I tell her. I take off my shoes putting them on a shelf with some of my other shoes. "You're incredibly spoiled. You're lucky to have parents that buy you everything you want." She tells me as we leave my closet and lay down on my bed. "Yeah, Except I only see them like once a fucking month" I tell her. "Watch your language young lady, it is not acceptable to be speaking like tha- OW SHIT FUCK" She yells as I shove her off the bed. "My butt bone is gonna be bruised now" She pouts. I chuckle. "Oh shut up." I laugh. She gets back and pulls me up by my arms. "I'm hungry, Can we order takeout and sit in your theater and watch horror movies?" She asks. I nod as I grab my phone and we run downstairs. I order the food and sit on the couch watching Netflix while we wait. About half an hour later the food gets here and we take the elevator to the third floor and go to the theater. "What movie do we watch first?" I ask Bella. "We should watch IT and then IT chapter 2!" She exclaims. I roll my eyes. "I'm not going to be able to fucking sleep tonight." I mumble as I turn on IT. We eat our food and then I let out a scream as Georgie gets grabbed. "Stupid fucking clown!" I yell, as I hide my face. Bella just laughs so I throw a noodle at her. "Shut the fuck up Bella" I say. She eats the noodle I threw at her and I make a disgusted face. "You're fucking nasty Bella" I groan. She just chuckles and we go back to watching the movie. After the movie is over I let out a yawn. "Bellaaaaaaaaa" I whine. "Whaaaaaat" She says. "I'm all sweatyyyy can we watch the next movie after I take a shower?" I ask. "Only if we can take a bath together, And it HAS to be a bubble bath with bath crayons and bath toys." She tells me. I chuckle and nod as we both go back to my room and into my bathroom. It's not weird for us to shower or bathe together. We've been doing it since we met. I turn on the bath tub putting in bubble mix and dumping the bath toys in the tub along with the crayons. "Keep an eye on the bath while I get us clean clothes okay Bella?" I tell her. She nods and I walk out of the bathroom and into my closet. I grab us both sports bra's and she has her own drawer in my closet full of her underwear so I grab her a pair and grab a pair of mine. I also grab us shorts and oversized hoodies. I get back to the bathroom setting the clothes down in different stacks. I grab towels for both of us and sent a bath mat infront of the tub. I then use the bathroom, I flush the toilet and wash my hands and Bella does the same. When the tub is almost to the top I turn it off getting undressed and getting in with Bella behind me. As soon as we're both in the tub I immediately splash her with water. "Y/N!" She squeals as I burst out laughing. "You're gonna regret that!" She tells me as she throws bubbles at me. "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I tell her putting my arms up. She takes that to her advantage and starts tickling me. "No! Bella I said I was sorry!" I squeal as she tickles me. "Too late Shorty!" She tells me. About an hour and a half goes by and then she tells me to turn around. I do so. She takes shampoo and washes my hair. "Just like when we were little" I mumble as I lean my head back against her chest. She flicks my nose making me groan and sit up. She washes the shampoo out of my hair and then splashes me. "Hey!" I yell. "Pay back is a bitch" She yells getting out of the tub quickly drying off and the running while I chase her in my towel. "Get back here Bella!" I yell before I tackle her to the ground tickling her. "I surrender!" She tells me. "Get up we have to get dressed!" I tell her. We get up and go back to the bathroom getting dressed and tying the hoodies around our waists. "Wanna go out front and look at the stars?" I ask her. "Why not the roof?" She asks. "I'm not in the mood to go on the roof right now" I tell her. "Front yard it is then!" She says grabbing my hand dragging me downstairs and outside. We lay down in the grass on our backs. Out of the corner of my eye I still see the two guys moving furniture into the house next door. "What are you going to do when I graduate and leave for college Bunny?" Bella asks rolling onto her side. I roll over onto my side so I'm facing. "Probably cry, or die, or maybe a mixture of both" I tell her. I roll back over onto my back so I'm looking at the sky again. "I don't know what I'd do without you Bella. I've known you almost my entire life. It would practically kill me if you left. I mean yeah, we have each other on snapchat, facebook, tiktok, instagram and messaging. But it would kill me Bella. I don't know how to live without you. And I know this sounds like some cheesy ass love confession but trust me it's not. I seriously don't what I'd do without my Isabelle" I tell her still looking at the sky and tears start falling down my cheeks. She goes to speak but I cut her off. "I'm just some stupid ass freshmen who you've known since you were 6. Everyone else that you're friends with makes fun of me for being a freshmen. All my other friends have left me but you're the only one actually stayed Bella. When I say I can't live without you, I literally mean it. I can't fucking live w-without you. It b-breaks my fucking heart just talking about it." I tell her finally breaking down into sobs. She scoots closer to my and wraps her arms around me. I roll over laying my head on her chest as I continue to sob. "It's gonna be okay Y/n. I promise" She tells me as she runs one of her hands through my hair playing with it. Just then her phone goes off. "Y-you should g-get that." I tell her. Bella just nods as she answers the phone. I can't make out what all is happening but I catch a few words. "Bella hvor er du?"(Bella where are you?) I hear on the other side. "Ikke bekymre deg mamma, jeg kommer snart hjem, jeg er sammen med Y/n" (Don't worry momma I'll be home soon I'm with Y/n) Bella says. And I smile as I know exactly what language they're speaking. "Bella satte telefonen på høyttaleren!" (Bella put the phone on speaker) I say. Bella does so. "Hei tante, ikke bekymre deg, Bella ordner seg, jeg følger henne hjem. Tror du jeg kan overnatte?" (Hey Auntie, don't worry Bella's gonna be okay, I'll walk her home. Do you think I could spend the night?) I ask Sage. "Selvfølgelig kan du det kjære, Du er alltid velkommen hjemme" (Of course you can sweetheart, You're always welcome at home) She tells me. "Mamma, vi er på vei nå. Elsker deg!" (Momma we're gonna be on our way now, Bye. Love you!) Bella says and hangs up. "Let's go!" I say happily as we start walking. It takes awhile to get there but we eventually do and we walk inside. "Y/n! It's so good to see you!" I hear Sage say. "Auntie! I've missed you" I say as I hug her. "You two better go to sleep. It's very late" She scolds us. Bella just nods dragging me up to her room. I plop down on her bed. "I promise, when I graduate I won't leave the state to go to college. I'll go to college here in New York" Bella says sitting next to me. I just nod as I yawn. "Night night Bella" I tell her as I lay down under the blankets. She lays down beside me. "Night Y/n" She mumbles before I drift off and fall asleep.

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