Sebastian? Is that really you?

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We wait and then the door opens. "Oh hey" the guy says. I just smile and hold out the plate of cookies. "Why don't you guys come in so I can get to know my neighbors?" He says and I hear a dog. "Of course" I say running in handing the cookies to Ivy. I kneel down and pet the dog. "Hi buddy" I say happily. "Excuse her, she's a dog person" Ivy says. The guy just smiles and then another guy comes out. "Oh Sebastian you have people over." The guys says. "I'm Chris" He says holding out his hand. I stand up and shake his hand before realizing he said Sebastian. "Nice to meet you Chris. This is Y/n and I'm Ivy" I hear Ivy say. I try to think of where I had heard the name Sebastian before besides my dream. "Sebastian" I mutter trying to remember. "Yeah?" The guy answers. I spin around and am met by a teenage boy and I feel shorter. "Sebastian!" I yell as I run into his arms. "Hey little one!" He says picking me up and spinning me around. "I've got some bad news." He tells me. I look at him frowning. "What's up sea bass?" I ask trying to feel better. "I'm leaving. For college." He tells me. I break down into tears as he holds me. "Y/n? You there?" I hear Ivy say. I blink my eyes and look around. I'm back in the present. Was that a flashback? I ask myself. I look infront of remembering where I had heard the name before. "S-Sebastian?" I stutter. He looks at me and nods. Tears fill my eyes as I run into him wrapping my arms around him. "Hey there kiddo" He says rubbing my back. "I've missed you." I mumble. Ivy looks at me. "Bebé, ¿quién es este?" She asks me. Sebastian lets go of me and I look at Ivy. "Ivy, esta es Sebastian, él me cuidó cuando era más joven." I tell her. I look over at Sebastian. "Sebastian, aceasta este Ivy. Iubita mea." I tell him. He looks at me."Iubita?!? Nu am aprobat acest D/n!" He tells me. I chuckle. "Relaxează-te Bubba, e tare" I tell him. Chris looks confused. "Will somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?" He asks. The three of us chuckle. I look at Sebastian and Ivy. "Chris kan ikke språkene vi snakker" Sebastian tells us. "Åh" I say and look at Chris. "Hola Chris, soy T/n, esta es mi novia Ivanna o Ivy. Sebastian me crió antes de irse a la universidad." I say in Spanish to fuck with him. "T/n! ¡Eso es grosero, sé amable! ¡Pensé que Bella te enseñó mejor que ese bebé!" Ivy yells at me. "¡Lo siento bebe! Por favor, perdóname. Por favor." I beg with puppy eyes. "Detén los ojos de cachorro idiota." Sebastian says slapping the back of my head. "¡Ay! ¡Puta!" I yell at him. "¿¡¿Puta?!? ¿A quién llamas puta, idiota?" He says looking at me. Ivy whacks the both of us on the head. "Ya basta, bastardos. Estás asustando al pobre." She tells us. I look over at Chris and bow. "Lo lamento." I tell him. "Gracias" He says accepting my apology. I smile and look at Sebastian. "We have a lot to catch up on. Can we talk in private?" I ask him. He nods and leads me to his room. We sit down on the floor together. "Where did you learn Spanish?" He asks. "Crecí con hispanos idiotas." I tell him. He just rolls his eyes. "Var lärde du dig spanska?" I ask him in Swedish. He looks at me confused. I chuckle. "Unde ai invatat spaniola?" I ask him in Romanian. "Colegiu. A fost una dintre cursurile pe care trebuia să le iau." He replies. I just nod. "¿Cómo es la vida en casa?" He asks. I remember a line from umbrella academy and chuckle. "Buena ha sido buena" I tell him. "Eso es lindo T/n" He tells me. I nod. "No more Spanish, it's hurting my head." I tell him. He just chuckles. "Ce zici de romana?" He asks. I shake my head laughing. "Bubba stop." I tell him. He just chuckles. "So who's Ivy?" He asks me. I roll my eyes. "Of course you would want to know about Ivanna" I tell him. "You remember Bella?" I ask him. He nods. "When did you dye your hair?" He asks getting off topic. "I'll tell you later. Ivanna, Ivy, Vee, or Vivi for short, is Bella's younger sister. When Bella and I hung out, sometimes Ivy had to tag along. I fell for her hard.  Just earlier today I confessed to her and she kissed me." I tell him, Sebastian just looks at me. "Mai vino?" He asks confused. I sigh and slap him on the back of the head. "She kissed me." I tell him. "I'm gonna beat that little girls ass. She did not have my permission to date my daughter." He says. I look at him smirking. "Daughter? I thought I was your little sister?" I ask him. "Shut the fuck up Y/n" He tells me. I chuckle. "Sorry 'dad'" I say jokingly. Sebastian just glares at me with a smile on his face. My eyes widen when I realize what he's gonna do. "No, no, Bubba!" I say as I get up and start backing away. He just jumps after me tackling me to the ground tickling me.  "Nu, nu, îmi pare rău, Bubba!" I tell him. He just continues tickling me. "De ce mi-ai spus tată? Mă vezi ca pe o figură tatăl Y/n?" He asks me. I shake my head. "Ce nu?! În orice caz, te văd ca pe o figură deranjantă." I tell him rolling my eyes. He chuckles and stops tickling me. I sit up and look out his window. "Ai o vedere frumoasă" I tell him. He chuckles. "I forgot to ask, but where did you learn Romanian?" He asks me. I let out a laugh and shake my head. "You forget that you practically raised me, and talked in Romanian almost all the time" I tell him. He just sighs and laughs. "Now when did you dye your hair?" He asks. I sigh. "I've been dyeing streaks in my different colors since you left. This time I went with blue, next time I was going to do red. It was my coping mechanism until I forgot who you were. I just thought I liked to dye my hair." I tell him shrugging looking out the window. "Are you okay Y/n?" He asks me putting his on my shoulder as he stands behind me. I just nod as I bring my hand up to wipe away a falling tear. He sighs as he starts playing with my hair. "You've always lied about that" He mutters. I chuckle. "I have, haven't I?" I ask. We were in the middle of a conversation when I hear Ivy yelling. "T/n! Bajar aquí. Tenemos que volver a tu casa. Mi mamá me acaba de enviar un mensaje de texto y tus padres están de camino a casa. ¡Estarán allí pronto!" She yells in Spanish. I sigh and hug Sebastian. "Ne vedem mai târziu bubba." I tell him. He looks at me and frowns. "Fii în siguranță, bine bub?" He tells me. I nod and walk downstairs. "Tenemos que irnos. ¡Ahora!" Ivy says grabbing my hand and dragging me back home. When we get inside she smiles at me. "Eres tan bonita" She tells me giving me a quick kiss. We hear a car pull in the driveway and run to the couch turning on Supernatural. "C'mon Sammy! What exactly is it we're doing?" Dean asks. "Hunting a ghost..?" Sam says. "Exactly Sam! Who the hell does that!?" Dean asks. Then we hear the door open. "Y/n are you in here?" I hear my mothers voice. I let out a sigh. "On the couch" I say. I hear two pairs of footsteps walking towards the couch and see my dad. "Hei pappa" I say in Norwegian. He smiles. "Hei jente" He says ruffling my hair making me giggle. "Y/n why is Ivy here?" My mom asks. I sigh. "Would you be mad if I told you we're dating?" I mumble. I see my dad smile and shake his head. "Speak up sweetie" My mom says. "Would you be mad if I told you we're dating?" I say loud enough for her to hear. She kneels down infront of me. "Of course not sweetie. I love you exactly the way you are." She says smiling at me. I let out a small chuckle. "Sebastian moved back in next door" I tell them. "He did? Why didn't you say that on the phone? We would've been home earlier!" My mom says. "You hung up before I could. Anyways I'm getting tired, so I'm gonna go take a nap." I tell them as I get up heading to my room. Ivy following behind me. Once I'm in my room I face plant into my bed. "You're such a dork" Ivy says sitting down next to me. I roll over placing my head in her lap. "I think I'm adorable" I say quoting Dean. She lets out a chuckle. "Te amo. Sé que probablemente sea demasiado pronto, pero te amo muchísimo, cariño." She says brushing hair out of my face. I smile at her. "Yo también te quiero, cariño. Mucho." I tell her. She smiles back at me. She leans down attaching her lips to mine. I smile into the kiss as I kiss her back. I pull away and sit up sitting in her lap straddling her. Her hands go to my hips to make sure I don't fall. I lean my head against her shoulder with my face towards her neck. I stick my tongue out licking her, she lets out a chuckle. I giggle at my own action. She kisses my forehead smiling. "How excited will you be if I told you I got tickets to a convention?" She asks. "Who will be at the convention?" I ask her. "Our boys, Jensen, Jared, and Misha." She says. I smile against her neck. "I'd love to go" I tell her. "Well good cause it's in 2 days and we have to fly to Georgia" She tells me. I groan before attaching my lips to her neck. "Y/n.." She sighs. I just continue to mark her. "Y/n" she says more sternly. I pull away frowning. She glares at me. "We should at least wait a year." She tells me. I continue to frown. She looks at me. "We're only 14, should wait until we're both 15 and I don't turn 15 for almost another year. Just because you turn 14 in a few weeks doesn't mean I will." She tells me. I just continue to frown giving her puppy dog eyes. "No Y/n." She says and I finally listen. "I'm tired" I mumble. "You can go to sleep baby" She says rubbing my back. I let out a hum and drift off.

Big brother? Sebastian Stan brother figure x Teen!readerWhere stories live. Discover now