Who are you..?

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We make it back to my place and I sit down on the couch still sniffling a little. Ivy is currently showering. I hear a knock at the door and get up to go answer it. I answer it and see that it's my neighbor. "Y/n! It's been awhile" The male says. I look at him confused. "I'm sorry I don't know you, but I'll bring you cookies tomorrow" I tell him. He frowns and walks away. "That was weird" I say as I close the door. "What was weird?" Ivy says behind me making me jump. "Jesus fucking christ Ivanna. Don't do that" I yell at her. She chuckles. "Do what?" She asks as she walks closer to me making me gulp. "Scare me like that" I tell her as I look up at her. "Fuck you for being taller than me" I grouch at her. She chuckles as she continues to walk towards. I walk backwards until I feel my back hit the door. "Why? Is it because you feel like I'm always looking down on you?" She asks as she gets really close. I feel butterflies in my stomach but try to ignore them. I look into her crystal blue eyes. "Cat got your tongue Y/n?" She asks as she looks back at my Y/E/C colored eyes. "No, I was just looking for the right words bastard" I tell her. She chuckles as she takes a few steps back. I walk back over to the couch. "So who was that?" She asks as she sits next to me turning on the TV. "I don't know. I've never met him but he knows my name." I tell her as I lean back. She just shrugs. "Maybe you guys knew each other in a past life" She tells me. I slap her shoulder. "Shut up Ivy" I tell her. She just chuckles, as she also leans back. I scoot closer to her resting my head on my shoulder. "I've missed this" I mumble, as she starts to play with my hair. "What? Us sitting together and watching TV?" She asks. I just let out a hum as I focus on the TV trying not to focus on how close we are. "Y/n your leg is bouncing. Are you okay?" She asks putting a hand on my knee. I take a deep breath and just nod. "Okay if you say so" She says directing her attention back to the TV. After a few episodes of a TV show she picked out she gets up to go make lunch. I sigh as I lay back on the couch thinking about what my life will be like when I'm older. Maybe me and Ivy will get married and have an adorable little girl. I think about that for awhile before I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Ivy yelling. "Hey! Meat or no meat for you omelette?!" She asks. I chuckle. "No meat!" I yell back as I sit up. I go upstairs to my library pulling out a book. I hear my phone go off so I answer it. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey sweetie!" I hear my mothers voice. "Hi mom" I say. "I heard a new person moved in next door, I want you to make him my special chocolate chip cookies! And whatever else you wanna make him. Alright bye!" She says hanging up before I have a chance to speak. I groan putting my phone and the book down going back downstairs. I sit down at the counter and eat the omelette Ivy made me. "Y/n? Wanna go on a walk?" She asks. I nod as I get up putting my shoes on. We leave the house and start walking holding hands. We get to a little lake and I smile as I sit down. Ivy sitting next to me. "How often do you come here?" She asks me. I look over at her. "Very often. It's my safe place." I tell her. She looks at me confused. "What are you thinking about Vee?" I ask her. "What'd you say to me the other day?" She asks. I look at her. "I'll tell when we get back to the house." I tell her. She just rolls her eyes as she gets up. She grabs my arm pulling me up and then dragging me away from the lake and back to the sidewalk. "Wait wait, where are we going?" I ask. "Back to your place. You have something to tell me and I'm impatient as shit" She says as we take 2 hours to get back to my place because Ivy got us lost. As soon as we get inside and our shoes are off, I go to move away from the door but she stops me. "Nope, you're not going anywhere until you tell me what you said." She says. I let out a sigh and feel the butterflies in my stomach come back. "I-" I starts to say but stop to take a deep breath. "Well what is it?" She asks impatient. "I like you Ivy, I really do, but as far as I know you're as straight as a wood ruler." I tell her. She looks at me. "What does me having to be straight have to do with you liking me? I know you like me, you like me as a best friend" She says. I sigh. "No Ivy it's not like that." I tell her as I frown. "Then what is it?" She asks. I look her and then look down at the ground playing with my fingers. "I'm in love with you Ivy, have been for the past 2 years. But you're always hanging out with the guys and that made me think I lost my chance. You're straight and I'm not even your type. I don't have a chance with you. You're too pretty for someone like me. And I'm being serious. I'm madly in love with you Ivy." As I say the last sentence I look in her eyes. She stays quiet. "Look I'm sorry I mentioned it yest-" I'm cut off by her lips pressing against mine in a slow kiss. When she pulls away I look at her dumbfounded. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." She says tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear and then placing her hands on my hips. "Do it again" I mumble. She smirks at me and presses her lips against mine again. I close my eyes and kiss her back wrapping my arms around her neck. She licks my bottom lip and I open my mouth. Our tongues meet and I moan into the kiss. I feel her fingernails dig into my sides. She pulls away from lips and attaches her lips to my neck. I let out a sigh as she sucks on my neck leaving marks. I have to shove her off of me. "Ives, stop." I manage to breath out. "I'm sorry, was it too much? I sho-" I cut her off by smashing my lips against hers. After a little bit I pull away and smile at her. "I love you Ivy" I say. She smiles. "So it wasn't too much?" She asks. I chuckle and shake my head. "I just don't want marks to cover up." I tell her as I peck her lips. "You're addicting. You should be a drug." She whispers against my lips. I just giggle making her smile. "I love you Y/n" She tells me. I hug her. She picks me up and I wrap my legs around her waist squealing. "Ivy! Put me down. You're gonna drop me!" I say. She chuckles as she drops me on the couch. "Let's go make those cookies" She tells me. I nod getting up and we both go to the kitchen to make the cookies. I keep sticking my finger in the cookie dough causing me to get hit, and sworn at in Spanish. "¡Saca tu dedo de la masa, perra!" Ivy exclaims. I chuckle. "No, no, Ivy, lo siento." I tell her. "No me importa, estas son para tu vecina tonta" She tells me. "¡Me rindo, me rindo!" I exclaim. She stops trying to hit me. "Bueno, ahora hazlo bolitas." She tells me. I snort. "Bolitas" I chuckle. She glares at me. "¡Lo lamento!" I apologize. She just smiles. I roll the dough into balls and place them on the cookie sheet. "Now put them in the oven Mi amor" She tells me. I put the tray in the oven and look at her. "¡Bebé! ¡Lo hice!" I say happily. She chuckles, patting my head. "Ahora esperamos." She tells me. "No more Spanish please" I beg. "Okay baby" She says pecking my lips. I run to the living room and sit down on the couch. I turn on YouTube and just watch videos until the timer goes off. "Time to check the cookies babe!" Ivy yells. I turn the tv off and run into the kitchen. Ivy pulls the cookies out and takes them off the tray putting them on a paper plate then wrapping it in saran wrap. "Time to go give these to your neighbor" She says. I groan as we get our shoes off and go next door. I knock on the door then take the cookies from Ivy.

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