No! Don't go!

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I wake up getting out of Bella's bed seeing that she's already awake. I grumble as I walk to her closet. "You seriously only have crop tops and shorts/skirts?" I hiss at her. "Sorry Bunny, I know it's not your style but we can make it look cute!" She tells me grabbing an outfit and shoving me into the bathroom. I get dressed and then come out and Bella smiles at my outfit. "See I told you, You look cute!" She exclaims, now messing with my hair. "Up or down?" She asks. I groan. "Down" And she leaves my hair down.

"You're cute! If you weren't like a sister to me I could kiss you!" She says happily as we grab our backpacks and put our shoes on

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"You're cute! If you weren't like a sister to me I could kiss you!" She says happily as we grab our backpacks and put our shoes on. I roll my eyes at her and give her a peck and she just sighs. "That's Alabama level crazy Y/n" She tells me and we both burst out laughing. We go downstairs and Sage has made us eggs. "Thank you momma" Bella says as she kisses her mothers forehead. "No problem girls" Sage says smiling. I smile back as I start stuffing my mouth, earning a slap on the back of the head from Bella's younger sister Ivy. Ivy's about my age but I don't see her often. She's incredibly pretty though, but she's straight so I don't have a chance. Bella glares at her sister. "Ivanna! Be nice" Sage says scolding Ivy. "Vivi that hurt" I whine and she just smirks rolling her eyes at me, she leans down to where her mouth is close to my ear. "Meet me by the water fountain at lunch." She whispers so only I can hear and then pulling away leaving. I feel my face go red and Bella laughs. "Dude what'd she say to you to make you look like a tomato" She asks laughing as we both leave. "Just about how I need to be more polite or I'd never get a boyfriend." I tell Bella lying. Bella chuckles. "She knows you're not straight so why would she say that?" She asks. I shrug. "I wanna be alone during lunch today, is that okay?" I ask her. Bella nods smiling at me. "Whatever you need to do to feel better bunny!" She says as we make it to school. "I'll see you later Bella" I say waving as I walk to art. I take my seat next to Ivy and she just smiles at me. I smile back as our teacher starts talking. "So today, we're going to have a free day and you can draw whatever you would like!" She says. I smile as I grab out my paper and pencil. I look over at Ivy who's painting. I smile as I start sketching a drawing of her. Once class is over I immediately shove it into a folder and back in my bag standing up and heading to my next class. Once it's time for lunch I go to the water fountain and see Ivy. "What's up buttercup?" I ask as I sit next to her. "I know you like my sister." She says taking a bite out of her sandwich then handing it to me. It was normal for us to share food and I didn't think anything as I take a bite handing it back to her. "You're on drugs Vee, I don't like your sister like that. That's Alabama" I tell her as we both laugh. Then she mutters something in another language I don't recognize. "What'd you say Vee?" I ask. She looks at me as she a takes another bite out of the sandwich and practically shoving it in my face for me to take a bite. "Nothing" she mumble. I just roll my eyes and take a bite out of the sandwich. I start talking to her in a language she doesn't understand. "Ich mag dich, Ivy, wirklich, aber soweit ich weiß, bist du so gerade wie ein Holzlineal." (I like you Ivy, I really do, But as far as I know you're as straight as a wood ruler) She looks at me confused. "The only word I understood out of that was my name, so obviously it has something to do with me." She tells me as she puts the sandwich back in the ziploc. She hands me a water bottle and I smile. "Y/n?" She asks. I look over to her. "What's up Vivi?" I ask. "Are you scared?" She asks playing with her fingers obviously looking upset about something. "About what buggy?" I ask. She looks at me rolling her eyes at the nickname before looking anxious again. "For when" are the only words I catch before she mumbles the rest. "Speak up Ivy" I tell her. "For when Isabelle leaves for her field trip tomorrow!" She says as a tear rolls down her cheek. I stare at her. "T-thats tomorrow?" I ask stuttering. She just nods as she leans her head on my shoulder. "I don't know what I'm going to do without Izzy in the house. She's my human. I go to her for everything Y/n, I Don't know what I'm gonna do" She says as she starts crying. I rub her back. "If it's okay with your mom you can stay at my place." I tell her. She just nods as she sniffs. "I'd like that" She mumbles. We hear the end of lunch bell go off and she wipes her tears. "I'll see you after school" I tell her smiling. She nods but before we walk away she kisses my cheek and then leaves. I go to my next class incredibly confused and zoned out not paying attention whatsoever. Why did she kiss me? Is she actually straight? What did she mutter? I ask myself so many stupid questions throughout the rest of the school day. Being brought back to reality by the bell. I run out to find Ivy and Bella and I see Bella hugging Ivy and I hear Ivy crying. I run over to them and join the hug as I start to cry. "Guys, I'm gonna be gone a week" Bella tells us. "Don't care" Ivy mutters. We all pull away from the hug and head back to their place. We get there and ask Sage if they can spend the night at my place and if Ivy can stay until Bella gets back and she says yes. I help Ivy pack her back for the next week and then we say goodbye to Sage and walk to my house. We get back to my place and we go inside and I show Ivy where she'll sleep and where my room is. We all go back downstairs to the living room and sit and watch TV while we talk. "No fucking way, Jack said that to you?" I ask Ivy and we're all laughing. "Yeah, he asked me out because his friend thought he and I would be a perfect match. I turned him down obviously, since he's a senior" She tells us. Bella just slaps her shoulder. "You should've given him my number you bastard!" She yells at Ivy and I fall backwards off the couch laughing. "Oh my god Y/n are you okay?" Ivy manages to say through her giggles. I feel my heart flutter and give a thumbs up and go back to laughing. I get up and go to the kitchen while the two sisters talk to each other. I grab 3 cups and fill them with juice. I mentally slap myself for falling for the straight girl. "Damn it Y/n she doesn't like you like that!" I mumble to myself. I walk back out with the cups and hand one to each of them keeping one for myself. "Thanks Darling!" Ivy says and I almost choke on my juice while Bella sends a look. I just shrug. "So bunny, angel, what are you guys going to do while I'm gone?" Bella asks sending me eyebrow raises and I glare at her. "I was thinking we could go to the park, make cookies for your new neighbor and play games!" Ivy says happily. I smile as my heart melts. "We can do that" I tell her. She smiles and lets out a little squeal. We check the time and realize it's late. I'm just gonna sleep right here and skip school the rest of the week." I tell them. Ivy just nods. Bella rolls her eyes at us. "You guys don't have school until I get back from my field trip anyway" She tells us. I just yawn as I straighten my legs laying them on Ivy's lap. I hear their voices get quieter until they're just a whisper. I end up falling asleep.

Ivy's POV

I look at Y/n as she falls asleep admiring how pretty she is. I wish she would go easy on herself. She needs someone to take care of her like when she was younger. "Ivy you listening?" My sister asks. I look over at her and nod. "But yeah apparently her next door neighbor looks like the guy from her dreams" Bella says. I just give her a confused look. "Do you think is a coincidence?" I ask her. She just shrugs. "I don't know Ives it's kinda suspicious though" She tells me. I nod. "Most definitely, I'm gonna go get a breather. I'll be back" I tell her as I get up and go to the door. I go outside and sit down in the grass. "Damnit Ivanna stop falling in love with your sisters best friend." I tell myself. I look up at the sky remember how much Y/n loves the stars. I chuckle to myself before I hear a person clear their throat. I turn my head. "Hello?" I ask. "Hi, are you Y/n?" The person asks. "No their not here right now" I say lying. The person just nods and leaves. I sigh as I get up and go back inside. When I get inside I see that Bella has fallen asleep. I chuckle as I lay on the floor infront of the couch drifting off.


I wake up to the smell of bacon. I sit up and see Ivy and Bella cooking together as they dance to music. I look at the way Ivy moves along with music and sings along with Bella. I smile. I get off the couch and walk over to them. "Your plate is right there!" Bella says pointing to a blue plate with pancakes eggs and bacon. "Thanks 'mom'" I say jokingly, as I start to eat. "What time do you have to be at the school?" Ivy asks Bella. "Half an hour, I should get going" Bella says as she makes her way to the door. "Wait let us walk you to the school!" I say getting up as Ivy runs over to her. Bella chuckles grabbing her suitcase as we all go outside. We walk to the school laughing and then once we get there we see other Juniors getting on a bus. "This is a goodbye for now" Bella says holding out her arms. Tears form in my eyes as I break down crying hugging her. . Ivy has to pry me off of Bella so she could get on the bus. Once she's on the bus leaves and I break down into sobs chasing after it. "No! Don't go!" I yell as I fall to my knees. "Are you okay?" Ivy asks. "I just wanna go home" I mumble. She nods and we walk home.

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