The Girl Next Door

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[Chris' POV]

Summer of 2001

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Summer of 2001

Sitting on the windowsill of my bedroom window I scribbled out some poetry in my notebook. nothing of importance, just something about the summer heat, the color black, the irony of life, how earth seems to be a purgatory.

My attention was briefly pulled when I saw a county car pull up in front of the house next door. They were getting a new foster kid. I never really associated with the neighbors outside casual pleasantries and occasionally helping them with yard work, but from what I learned they couldn't have their own kids so they fostered.

I went back to work on my writing, only to glance up with something hit my arm. I was confused until I was hit again, this time the object landed on my lap. Picking it up, I saw it was a skittle.

"Hey," a voice said, calling my attention to the window directly across from mine.

My stomach did a little flip when I saw big bright blue grey eyes staring back at me. There sitting on a desk of sorts in front of her window with a bag of skittles was a beauty of a girl with the darkest raven-black hair that contrasted against her porcelain skin. And her eyes, unforgettably breath taking.

"Did I have a stroke?" I blurted out.

She laughed. "Sorry about your luck, but your stuck in this shit hole world with me." She flashed a bright smile. "I'm Tierney, Avril Lavigne addict, hate people, trouble maker, I love music and taking photos. Very shy person."

I gave her an awkward smile. "You're shy but you are talking to me?"

She pointed to something behind me. "Your band posters, you have books on your desk, you have a polaroid camera on those books and you have been writing in that book for at least fifteen minutes... You are a rare breed of people... my kind of people. You are a breath of fresh air."

So she had been watching me long enough to notice these things about me. This could be good or bad.

"What's your name?"

I held up my left hand that I had inked my name into the palm by black sharpie.

"Chris. Well, it's nice to meet you Chris. Like I said, we are a rare breed of people."

1 year later...

"Hey, beautiful." I pressed my lips to the side of his cheek as I joined her at the lunch table. "Sorry I didn't catch you this morning, ran a little late this morning and missed the bus."

"How did you miss the bus, you were dressed before I was." She laughed.

"I misplaced something and wasn't going to leave the house without it. Worth it though. I got you something for our one year anniversary. Close your eyes." I waited for her to close them then I took the item out of my pocket and fastened it around her neck.

When she opened her eyes and looked down she gasped. "Oh my gosh, I love this!" hanging from her neck was a silver spider with a large red gem nestle in its back. It looked perfect handing from her neck and I loved seeing her wearing it.

 It looked perfect handing from her neck and I loved seeing her wearing it

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"Thank you babe." She murmured before pressing her lips to mine.

As she went to deepen the kiss I eased back gently and chuckled. "Not here." I whispered as I nuzzled her ear. "You make my body go crazy."

"And I like that I make your body go crazy, babe."

Just then the lunch bell rang and several people groaned having not been able to finish their lunch. I hated the short time we had to eat. Everybody did. If you were the last in line you needed to inhale your food or you didn't get to eat.

"Looks like I'm eating and walking to our next class." I chuckled. "Math, my favorite." I joked.

That night after everyone had gone to bed I stayed up reading a little. I was just about to turn in for the night when my window opened and in climbed Tierney. 

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, putting my bookmark in my book and setting it aside on my desk. "I'm here to give you your present." she handed me and small rectangular box and then took a seat on my bed.

I sat beside her and opened it, inside was a black sharpie. "What's this for?" I asked her.

She smiled as she took out the sharpie and pushed me backwards onto my bed. I was speechless as I watched her moved to straddle me and slightly embarrassed as I felt myself hardening beneath her.

She made quick work of removing my shirt and tossing it aside and did the same with my pajama bottoms. now that there was just my boxers remaining, she eyed me deviously before removing the cap on the sharpie and marking her initials right at my hip bone before drawing a heart around them.

"Just marking my territory." she smirked before bringing her lips down to kiss the skin.

I let out a groan and my cock twitched for her.

"I've never..." I began.

"Neither have I. We can be each other's firsts." She began. "I know some things, though. I wanted to be good at this for you, so I read some of my foster moms' cosmopolitan magazines."

As her hands reached down to the waist band of my boxer briefs, I wrapped my hands around her wrists and held her. "I don't want you give yourself to me if you are not one hundred percent sure you are ready. As much as I want you in every way possible, you are worth waiting for."

She bit her lip as she looked at me. "I want to, more than anything I want you Chris, but I'm not ready yet."

I let out a breath of relief. "Thank you for being honest with me and for keeping me from making a mistake." I carefully adjusted her so that I was able to push myself into a sitting position with my back against my headboard and rest my hands on either side of her waist. "Look, there are so many other ways that we can show each other that we love one another without having sex just yet."

She dropped her head and stared at her hands clasped together in her lap. "You're not mad or disappointed?" 

I smiled at her. "I'm relieved in a sense. You weren't ready and neither was I. You might have read up on stuff, but I haven't. I want our first time together to be special. I want to be able to make it enjoyable for you and I also want to be safe so, look, how about this, next year is our senior year. We can plan for the night of our senior prom. And if by then we decide we still aren't ready then so be it. We will still have a memorable night."

She still stared at her hands, and I could see the pink tinge in her cheeks. She was embarrassed, or something similar in emotion. Using my index finger, I tilted her chin up and pressed my lips to her nose and then to her forehead. 

 "Hey, I love you, Tierney."

Moving her off my lap I turned off my bedside lamp and pulled her into my arms before covering us both with a blanket. 

"I love you, Chris."

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