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[Josephine's POV]

On the way back from taking Victoria home I pulled out my ipad and began searching tiktok for videos about my dad. Almost everything that was created recently was about him being a dad. Most of it was good things, about how he seemed to be at ease in his new role as what they were referring to as "daddy motionless" but then there were some people who were saying the worst things, like how he abandoned his ex girl friend and their daughter, and making him out to be some monster of a person.

"This is bullshit." I muttered to myself.

This didn't go unnoticed by my father who's attention, while on the road, was now aware of me.

"What's bullshit?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "People on the internet. They are saying awful things about you. Saying that you abandoned me and mom. It's not true."

He took a deep breath in and then let it out with a sigh. "I knew one day you'd find your way to social media. Look, when it comes to that you will always have people spreading things about you that aren't true or people just being downright cruel. It's why I never search myself. None of what they say matters to me because I know the truth and at the end of the day the people that matter are already in my life."

I nodded my head. 

"You just gotta choose your angle. I won't control you and tell you no social media, but I do want you to be safe and smart and not let them get to your head. And remember, you don't need anyone's validation, especially a strangers."

When we got back to the hotel I said goodnight to my father and retired to my room where I took a shower, braided my hair, and settled into my bed before opening up tiktok where I pushed the record button.

"Hey everyone, its me Josephine, Chris' daughter. This is my tiktok and for a while I was trying to figure out what to post, until I came across some awful things being said about my father, so I decided to use my page to tell parts of my story."

"My official first video I will post tomorrow, and it will dispel any of the rumors and false narratives that have been circulating about my father."

I finished and uploaded the video and within seconds it was blowing up with views and comments of people that were excited to know more, and others that were ready for the truth to shut up anyone that was spreading lies.

Before I went to be I recorded the first video that I was going to post and set it to automatically upload the next morning and then went to bed. To say that I was nervous was an understatement, but I couldn't just sit back in life while all these people that knew nothing gave their opinions, thoughts, and speculated on everything that happened in the past and said all these cruel things.

If I put out my story, from my words, my knowledge, just this once then the world would have access to the truth.

I slept a little easier than night, knowing what was to come. 

The next morning when I woke, I saw the clock on the bedside table read 11:45. It was almost noon and I had missed breakfast. Pushing myself into a sitting position, my hair fell over my shoulder as I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and yawned.

Grabbing my house coat I pulled it on and tied the sash before stepping into my slippers and heading from my bedroom. 

"Dad?" I called out. "Grandma?"

There was no answer. My heart started racing, as I begin to panic.

"Dad, Grandma!" I called out a little louder, not caring to hide the panic from my voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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