You're A Joke

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[Josephine's POV]

The second we were in the hospital room I was given a paper gown to dress down into and my clothes were bagged as evidence. A female officer came in with a camera and began taking photos of various bruises and marks on my body and then once I was covered they allowed my father and my caseworker in the room along with another detective.

"Before we continue on any further, I need to ask you some questions." The detective stated. I gave her a nod. "Were you sexually abused, assaulted, or touched within the last seventy-two hours by anybody in your household?"

My heart began racing and I felt my Chris' eyes glance in my direction. I knew I had to be honest, but I didn't want to relive it.

"Josephine, if you need me to step out of the room-" Chris began.

"NO! PLEASE!" I rushed out, panicked. I grabbed his arm as he turned for the door, startling him.

My breathing was coming out labored as I forced myself to release his hand. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- I just mean." I shut my eyes to the room and held my breath to try and slow it down. "Please don't leave me."

I took several deep breaths, slowly in and then slowly back out. When I felt my breath finally even out enough for me to speak calmly enough I responded to the detectives question. 

"Yes. Last night, my foster dad, he likes to choke me with his belt while he makes me do things to him." I felt my face flush from the embarrassment of having to tell people this. "And then he will cum on my chest or my privates because he said he likes the look." Tears began streaming down my face.

"Has anyone else ever taken part in these activities? Your foster brother or mother?" The detective asked.

"My foster brother and mom only ever hit me. They didn't know about the sexual stuff. Or at least I don't think they did. My foster dad waited until everyone was sleeping and said if I told anyone he would kill me and make it look like a suicide." My body began trembling so bad it was hard to continue.

"Last couple questions, has your foster father ever penetrated you with his penis or any objects vaginally, orally or anally?"

Thankfully it had only ever been orally. He let me keep my virginity, but I was sure it would have been a matter of time before he took that innocence from me too.

"Did you shower in the last 24 hours?"

I shook my head. "I was running late for school so I wiped off the best I could, but I didn't shower."

The detective explained that because of the report of the seminal fluid from my foster father and the sexual assault and my having not showered I would be having one more procedure done to collect this evidence to build more of a case against him. This would help our case.

My father stepped outside the curtain that was pulled around me, but remained in the room and a nurse trained to collect sexual assault kits came and did the procedure. 

It felt like an eternity had passed as I was carefully prodded with cotton swabs under a black light before I was able to get dressed. All they had for me were some basic grey sweats that were a size too big and tied at the waist, but it was better than the paper gown I had been in that left me exposed and cold.

When the detective had left it was my caseworkers turn to sit and talk with us.

"I'm sorry-" She began.

"Fuck you." I snapped, tears falling from my eyes. "You're a joke. I told you from the beginning and you believed them over me because they were adults. I told you what was happening, so fuck you."

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