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[Josephine's POV]

The entire room went dark and the crowd came alive louder than they had for the last three opening acts. This meant one thing, and even I who had never been to a concert before understood, it was time for my dad to come on stage.

"MOTIONLESS! MOTIONLESS!" the crowd began to chant and through the darkness I could see silhouettes take the stage.

A warmth flooded my body and I felt proud as I heard my fathers voice call out from the obysse introducing himself and the band. Then the beginning of their song Meltdown began and everyone went wild. Suddenly the stage spotlights came on and illuminated the room in a variety of colors that bounced off my father and the others in the band as they played.

I knew I only had one look on my face, aw, because not even a minute in and I was in awe of my father and his music. His eyes found me and he smiled as he sang and did a little wave before he moved across the stage.

"Your dad is so cool, Josephine." Victoria said to me.

Without taking my eyes off him I slowly nodded my head. "I can't believe my dad is that cool. I mean, look at me. I'm a dork."

"I'm sure you have potential. I mean, there's no way he could create a child and not pass on some level of talent." 

That had me wondering, was I talented like my dad? I mean, my mother sang too, but only in the shower or while she was cleaning or cooking. I remember that about her, fondly. Surely two people that sang created a child that could too.

But, I suddenly realized that I didn't care. 

When the song ended I began clapping loudly and cheering. His eyes found me again and his face lit up, his smile stretching from ear to ear as he looked at me.

"Thank you Oklahoma for having me! I have always felt OKC was like a home away from home, and naturally it's become one of my favorite places to tour." He began talking to the crowd. "This concert is one to remember for me as my daughter is here experiencing not only her very first concert, but it is my concert she is attending."

"One of the first things she said to me when she found out about the band and the music we played, which happened when she joined in on last nights rehearsals, was that she didn't think the band was going to be so cool. Coming from a teenage girl of all people, thats one of the highest honors given, am I right?" He joked.

I felt my face warm as I began to blush from my father talking about me. Hearing their "aww's" and laughter was even more embarrassing. 

"Okay, okay, it looks like I'm embarrassing my daughter, so I'll wrap this up and try and remember from here on out to keep public doting to a minimum."

He cleared his throat and talked about how the next song was and older song that many were passionate about. 

The intro began softly and then he began the first line

Paralyzed by my envy of the night

This song began deep

I am lost without you 

here and outside it looks like rain.

Could this song be about my mom? As I listened to more of the lyrics I felt tears well up in my eyes. I clenched my jaw as I used every ounce of strength I had to not cry in front of all these people.

And nothing I could ever write, 

would help you understand this life

There's so much beauty when your eyes

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