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[Josephine's POV]

When we arrived to the mall I looked up in awe. When I lived with my foster family I was never allowed to go to the mall, nor was I allowed to buy anything. All my things were always hand-me-downs that I picked through from my foster siblings.

When my father parked the car, I moved to get out of the car, but he turned around and place his hand on my shoulder.

"When we are in here, please make sure to stay close by. I'm sure by now our situation has hit the media and I cannot be to sure how hectic it might get in there so please just stay close. I don't need someone snatching you up and demanding some ransom, or worse." My father warned me.

I nodded my head. "I'll stay close, I promise." 

After we got my phone, a new iphone, we headed to the apple store and my father got me an ipad and a mac book and some accessories to go with like airpods and an apple watch. I insisted it was too much, but my father insisted that it was all practical and very much needed living on a tour bus.

Then it was clothes shopping time. His mother wanted to start in the Macy's. She tried to get me fitted for bra's, but I was a sports bra type' so I got those instead. Then I got new underwear and pajamas.

Next we went to a store called Journey's, but the second we entered the store several people began swarming my father.

"Mom, stay with her please." He spoke quickly and then turned his attention to the small crowed.

"I have just a few minutes, then I need to get back to my shopping." He spoke to them as he began taking selfies and signing things. 

After two minutes he thanked them and told them he hoped to see them at the concert tonight before he rejoined me and grandma.

"Fans." He said simply. "I get noticed a little more in stores that alternative people like to shop.  Anyways, let's get you some shoes."

Four pairs of shoes later and we found ourselves weaving in and out of Forever 21, Hot Topic, Old Navy and Zumiez for some new outfits. Several more times we encountered fans of the band. It was only during lunch when we were sitting in the food court did someone speak to me.

"You're Josephine, that rock stars daughter?" A girl spoke to me as she poked around at her fries.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, um hi." I glanced over at my dad who was standing in line with my grandma. He glanced over at me and smiled.

"I, um, I read about what your foster family did to you and I just wanted to say I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm a foster kid, I understand it."

My eyes widened as I looked at her. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Have you told anyone?"

She shook her head. "No one believed me. I just worked really hard to get on my own two feet so I could get emancipated. It's stressful, going to work and school, paying my own bills, but not as stressful as it had been."

"You're still in school? How old are you?" I asked, fascinated. 

"16, almost 17."

Just then my father joined me, setting the food down on the table.

"Hey, um, this is my friend..." my voice trailed off when I realized she never introduced herself.

"Victoria. Sir. Victoria." 

"She was just telling me about how she was a foster kid... or used to be one until she got emancipated recently. She's like me."

My father made a face.

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