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[Chris' POV]

I stared blankly as I replayed the question she asked me over in my head. She wanted to know if I was mad at her mother. That wasn't such an easy question to answer, nor was it one I could simply give her in less than five seconds.

"How about this, after you get something to eat, get relaxed and in your pajamas and into bed I will answer your question and any others you might have. Deal?"

She nodded her head and went to go and order her room service and I took this opportunity to go take a shower and ponder my thoughts to myself.

The steamy hot shower was close to what I needed after the long stressful day. I made a mental note to book a massage for my tense shoulder muscles for sometime before we left, if we had the time. I had a busy schedule tomorrow with Josephine and taking her shopping. All which had to get done before the show.

I smiled to myself as I remembered the expression on her face during our rehearsal. She enjoyed our music, which meant alot to me. I'm glad she didn't think my music was awful because we put a lot of effort into everything we create.

Once I was dressed my phone began ringing.

"Hey mom." I spoke as I put it on speaker. "What are you doing awake at this hour, you are four hours ahead of me."

"Not right now, I'm not. We are in the same time zone. Look, don't be mad, but I'm down stairs in the lobby and security will not let me up. The insist you are under a strict no visitor clause and that you would know if you were expecting your mother."

Laughing, I stepped into my slippers and left my room, heading for the door. "Mom, if you told me you were coming I would have let them know to allow you access. Are you alone?"

"Yes, its just me. I figured with everything going on I just had to be there for you and your dad and everyone else didn't want to overwhelm Josephine with what she's gone through. We figure a female presence was the least intimidating."

I let out a breath of relief. "Mom, you always know when I need you the most even when I don't ask. I'm on my way down. Don't scare the hotel management, I stay here every other year for at least two days." I laughed.

I hurried downstairs and sure enough my mom was there. I greeted her warmly, and nothing compared to her hug, especially after the last couple of days. Once she released me I turned to the staff at the front desk and apologized.

"I'm sorry for the mix up, my mom decided to surprise me with a last minute visit so I was not expecting any guests at all. This is on me. If you will, add her as a permanent access guess for any and all future stays. She is an emergency contact."

Once that was taken care of we headed to the elevator bay and made our way to the pent house.

"Hows she doing?" My mother asked once the doors closed behind us.

I nodded my head. "She's a mess. It hasn't hit her yet, but it will. I'm going to try and get her into therapy starting out once a week. I think it will help a little."

"You being there, and her having family to love her will help a lot. I haven't even met her yet and I love her already." My mother added as the elevator stopped at the top.

"She looks just like me." I said proudly as I pulled out my phone and showed her the photo that was now my phones screen saver as we left the elevator.

"Oh she definitely favors you." My mother stopped just at the door and placed her hand on my shoulder. "I feel like I don't tell you enough, but I'm so proud of you." She brought her hand to my cheek and smiled. "Okay now. Lets go and see that granddaughter of mine."

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