02: Cafeteria.

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I carry my tray of slop through the bustling chaos of the cafeteria. It is lunch break at school, and I'm a little upset because I was going to go over costume ideas with Carter, but his mom accidentally locked herself out of her car so he had to borrow mine to run home and get her spare key to take to her.

I head for the table where I always sit with my girl friends. Of course, our table is the loudest out of everyone. I can already hear them engaging in the latest school gossip as I approach. Yesterday's topic was focused on all the craziest places we've ever done the deed. I was not surprised at all to find out that Bianca, the silently chosen leader of our group, had the most jawdropping experiences. I plop my tray down and take a seat at the table next to my girl Kelly.

"Hey boo!" She greets me cheerful as ever.

"Hey." I sigh while moving my fork around what I think is supposed to be chocolate pudding, but there are lumps in it.

"Your shadow is missing today." Kelly inclines her head, looking behind me.

"My shadow?" I look behind me and then back at her, confusion clear on my face.

"Yeah, you know, 6'2" with curly red hair. Your play thing, Carter." She sips on her juice with a mischievous look on her face.

"He isn't my play thing." I scowl at her.

"Like hell he ain't!" Bianca shouts across the table, causing everyone present to bust out laughing. Except for me.

"He's not!" I protest. "Carter has been my best friend since we were still in diapers. There are absolutely zero romantic feelings between us!"

"Who said anything about romance?" Kelly winks at me.

"Yeah we know y'all just be fuckin." Bianca says causing another round of laughter.

"Shut up, Bianca!" I spit, "Carter isn't like that he's actually a respectful guy."

"Girl, relax. we're just playing it's not that deep."

"I bet Carter's goes deep." Someone mumbles, causing a third round of laughter at the table.

"Aight y'all, that's enough!" I yell at the lot of them. "The next person to say anything about Carter is going to catch these hands."

"Damn, someone's panties are in a bunch today." Lola, the new addition to our group who is usually the quiet one has all eyes on her now. Her eyes flick between all of us sheepishly.

"Shut up, Lola. Out here looking like Harley Quinn from wish." Kelly defends me while everyone else laughs at her comment.

Lola shrinks back against her chair, and I can't help but feel a little bad for the girl.

"Aight enough, let's talk about the party on Friday." Bianca interjects. "It's at the fraternity that Aaron joined a year ago."

"Ooo, college boys." The girls at the table giggle.

"Aaron said only eighteen and over is allowed, so that leaves you seventeen and under babies out."

Groans now replace the giggles.

"Anyway, I'm going, and I need to give Aaron a heads up of who else is."

"Well, Angel said he is going to be there, so I'll be there." I say, and everyone's eyes turn to me now.

"What?" I give them all the look, challenging them to say something against my relationship.

"I thought you were done with that pedo?" Bianca gives me a disgusted look.

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