34: Burnt Pancakes

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I bound happily down the stairs freshly showered and in search of my boyfriend, whom I have not seen since our round two this morning. I ended up falling back asleep after and waking up to an empty bed sometime a little after noon. My nose scrunches at the strange sweet smell of burnt food once I have made it to the bottom of the steps. I follow the unusual smell until I have quietly entered into the kitchen where Carter stands dressed in only a pair of grey sweats. His eyebrows knit together in concentration as he flips a black circle around in a frying pan.

I come up behind him, setting my hands on his hips and placing small kisses on his back. "Hey you!" He jumps a little startled. "Hey." I reply with a smile as he turns towards me, leaning down to press his lips to mine.

"You sleep well?" He turns his attention back to the monstrosity before him.

"So good." I sigh heavily, turning around to lift myself onto the counter and sitting on top of it, so I am still near him.

He looks over his shoulder at me with a smirk on his face, "So good, huh?"

I smile, rolling my eyes. "Not you burning pancakes." I laugh, pointing to the stack of identical dark circles placed on a plate beside him.

"My mom makes it look so easy." He sighs, throwing the inedibles into the trash. Which is all of them. "Cereal?"

"Cereal." I reply with a laugh and go to hop off of the counter. "No, no," Carter stops me, "I'll get it for you."

"Am I being spoiled again today?"

"Baby with me, you will be spoiled every day." I smile at the back of him as he reaches for the cereal, bringing out two boxes. "Cocopuffs or Captain Crunch?"

"Cocopuffs always!"

"Only right answer." he replies, placing the other box back where he got it.

"I'll get the milk." My feet have barely had time to touch the ground before Carter is rushing at me. "I said I'm getting it." He grabs my waist and hoists me back up onto the counter.

"Stay!" He eyes me, and I salute him in a yes sir gesture.

My eyes follow him as he rushes around, getting the milk along with two bowls and spoons, placing them beside me on the counter. He pours us each a bowl of Cocopuffs and makes sure to only give me a little bit of milk just the way I like it. It shouldn't still surprise me how much he actually pays attention to me to know exactly how I like my cereal, but it does, and it has me smiling at him with puppy eyes.

He hands me my bowl, "Thank you, lovie." I take a bite of my Cocopuffs and let out a satisfied sigh at the chocolatey taste in my mouth.

"You're welcome, baby," he places a kiss on my cheek. "Hmm," I hum, tapping on my lips. A smile spreads across his face as he leans in to give me a kiss. I salute him with my spoon after he has pulled away, and I get back to eating my cereal.

Carter finishes his and is already getting done with a second bowl by the time I have finished. I go to get off the counter and see him raise his eyebrow at me. I roll my eyes playfully. "Permission to wash my bowl, sir?" His eyes scan up and down my body. "Permission denied."

"Seriously, Carter?"

"Seriously, Jasmine?" He mocks my tone and takes my bowl and spoon, placing them into the dishwasher along with his.

"I don't sound like that!" I laugh despite myself.

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't!" We yell in unison.

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