28: Friends?

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My mom prattles on about her adventures across Europe while Miss G and her boyfriend Nick listen on, only interrupting to ask her more questions. Ralph sits beside me, shoveling spoon fulls of mashed potatoes into his mouth like it is his last meal. Carter sits across from me, and to my surprise, a hole has not yet burned itself into my head from his gaze, which is lazer focused on me. It has been taking everything within me not to look up and lock eyes with him. Honestly, avoidance could one hundred percent be a new talent of mine. I keep my attention on the plate in front of me while I move my fork around playing with my potatoes.

"Jasmine, sweetie, you're not a child. Eat your food. Do not play with it." My mom gives me one of her polite smiles.

I give a fake, polite smile back to her and then take a bite of my mashed potatoes. If she had not dragged me here tonight, then she wouldn't have to worry about my childlike tendencies. I know this is her trying to mend things between us, her trying to fix things as she promised. But Carter and I aren't her problem to fix. However, I will not tell her that, though, because she is putting in an effort, and that is something I won't take for granted.

My eyes flicker up momentarily, and
Carter smirks at me from across the table. I quickly look elsewhere prenteding as if I didn't notice him even though the butterflies erupting in my stomach beg to differ.

"Well, isn't this nice?" Miss G speaks up, her eyes darting between Carter and I. "It has been so long since we've gotten together like this, Diana?"

My mom nods her head in agreement. "I believe the last time we did this, Carter and Jasmine were only ten years old." She sighs dramatically, "where has the time gone?"

Her and Miss G share a laugh.

"I know! Our babies will be off to college next year. I have to keep myself from crying when I think of my little monkey leaving me."

Carter groans, causing the whole time to erupt with laughter. I wince at Ralph's snorting next to me.

"Oh, speaking of college!" Miss G says excitedly, "Carter has applied for UCLA! It's always been his dream to study marine biology." She beams with pride as she looks on at a bashful Carter. "He is actually flying to California next weekend to take a tour of UCLA."

"Well, that sounds exciting, Carter!" My mother praises him, "I am sure you will do exceptionally."

"Thank you, but I haven't gotten in yet."

I scoff at his statement, and all eyes at the table turn to me.

"Something you wanted to say Jas?" Carter raises his eyebrows at me.

I set my fork down and looked right at him. "Just you acting modest as though you're not going to get in is all. They would be idiots not to accept you."

He gives me a half smile that has me wanting to melt. I pick up my glass of water and take a sip of it while willing everyone to stop gawking at the interaction between the two of us. Thankfully, my mother now breaks the awkward silence.

"Well, my Jasmine is thinking about going to the Florence School of Fine Arts." My mother says proudly. "But, I already told her it is completely her choice, and I will be happy with whatever she should choose to do as long as it makes her happy."

I smile at her gratefully.

"Florence?" Nick, Miss G's boyfriend speaks up. "As in Italy?"

"One and only." I laugh nervously.

"Well," Miss G smiles. "Our children have some bright futures ahead of them, don't they?"

"Mhm agreed." My mom says.

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