47: The End Of It All

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A Few Hours Earlier...

"You're a coward!" Morgan screamed at the top of her lungs while following me around my apartment. "You said you were going to kill him!"

"Well, I changed my mind!" I turned, shouting back at her. "And since when are you wanting Carter dead? Last I checked, you were obsessed with making him yours."

"Because I would rather he rot in the ground than have to spend the rest of my life knowing that he belongs to her!"

I could not believe the words that just came out of her mouth. Her eyes stayed on me, full of malice and furry. I shook my head at her.

"You need to sign yourself into a mental hospital or something because you sound crazy right now."

Her eyes narrowed at me.

"Oh, so it's sanity when you want someone dead, but when I say it, I'm crazy?" She scoffed, crossing her arms.

I clenched my jaw, feeling defensive. "It is crazy that you would want the boy you've supposedly been in love with your whole life dead!"

"My plan is already set in motion." She sneered. The puzzled look on my face had brought a wicked smirk to hers. "I created an explosive using random cleaning products and things I stole from the chemistry lab at school."

"An explosive? Morgan what the fuck are you thinking of doing with it?"

"Oh I'm not "thinking" of doing anything because it is already done."

I grabbed hold of her arms. "Where is the explosive?" I demanded but she only shruged my hands off of her.

"Don't worry about it Angel." She walked over to the door of my apartment, taking the handle into her hand. "There is nothing you can do to stop me."

I stood up straighter, the two of us glaring at one another.

"Is that so?" I clenched my fists and her eyes followed the action. She tilted her head to the side in amusement.

"I used one of your burner phones to send Jasmine threatening messages. At first it was just to add fuel to the fire that you had already started by threatening her and I figured a little extra stalker behavior from you would persuade her to let Carter go. But seeing as how they are together your threats held no power over her at all." She shook her head at me, her facial expressions conveying just how pathetic she believes I am. "Andre has his boys tailing Carter as we speak. And since you threatened Jasmine all eyes will be on you after everything goes down. so if I were you I would prepare myself for a house call." She opened the door, "and Andre agreed with me... you've gone soft Angel. He's ready to be rid of you and he jumped at this chance when I presented it to him." She stepped over the threshold, about to close my door behind her.

"What would your mom think about you right now Morgan?"

My question caused her to pause and turn to look at me. She took a deep breath before her reply, "I don't know, but if you like, you can go and ask her comatose body."

The conversation between Morgan and I days ago plays over again inside my head while I wait in my hiding position in an alley between two abandoned buildings that one happens to be where I now reside after having to flee because of her confession. The crazed look on her face when she had said her last words to me continues to send shivers down my spine. As soon as she had told me Andre was helping her, I knew it was true because I had told him already that I wanted out. I had been distancing myself little by little from his gang, which I have not been an official member of since I got out of prison. It is not like I became a model citizen after doing my time, but I have been slowly trying to distance myself. After even Jasmine finally putting herself first and giving up on me, I knew it was time for a change. It was time that I started to do better not just for Jasmine and myself, but for my family. Seeing the look on my mom's face when I told her I had gotten into some trouble hurt like hell. I have always been a fuck up, and even though I know she would never say it, I know I have let her down. But honestly she does not even have to tell me because my older brother already does. And he is right.

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