39: Grayson vs Davis🔞

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You will never understand the true meaning of fear until you have found yourself being scrutinized by the father of your girlfriend. The last time I saw Mr. Davis was three years ago when I went on vacation with him and his family, but I hardly even saw him during that time as well. That was the whole reason Jasmine wanted me to go. She knew her parents would end up being too busy for her, which is why they didn't protest when she asked if I could come along. We also did not have any sort of romantic relationship back then, so I was not on her father's radar. But the way he is looking at me now, I know I am his main target.

"You two kids, okay?" My mom asks as she and Jasmine's mother approach us.

"We're good, Miss G." Jasmine's face scrunches up, "a bit weirded out, but good none the less."

"So it was Ralph?" Mrs. Davis asks, taking the seat on the other side of Jasmine, who nods in response.

"Did he have a reason for doing this?" My mom asks, looking genuinely hurt. She had a fondness for Ralph and treated him as though he was her second son. I exchange a look with Jasmine, and she nods, giving me the go-ahead.

"He thought it would be a funny prank." I know it isn't the truth, but the grateful look Jasmine gives me tells me that I made the right decision with my answer. The situation is once again worse for her than it is for me, and the last thing her father needs to hear right now is that Ralph used the video featuring his daughter to pleasure himself with.

"A prank?" Mr. Davis's voice is deep and filled with anger. "This is far more than just some prank!" He spits.

"Henry, please." Mrs. Davis gives her husband a look, but he continues on.

"These young," he looks at me in contempt, "these boys think they can just run my daughters good name into the ground with their juvenile pranks-"

"None of this was Carter's fault!" Jasmine interrupts him as she comes to my defense, "if anything, he is the true victim here because I am the one who initiated what happened in the first place!"

Her father's nostrils flare, and he turns his attention to his wife, completely ignoring what Jasmine just said. "Why I let you talk me out of sending her to boarding school is beyond me."

"Henry now really isn't the time."

Mr. Davis goes to speak, but the opening of the door to the principal's office cuts him off. A downcast looking, Ralph walks out behind his mother, who rushes down the hall furiously. Ralph slinks past Mr. Davis, not daring to even attempt making eye contact with him.

"Whichever of you all would like to go first." Principal Johns gestures into his office.

"We will." Mr. Davis answers quickly, stretching his arm out towards his wife. Mrs. Davis gets up from her seat and holds her hand out to Jasmine, who grabs hold of it with a sigh.

"It's going to be okay, my flower." She whispers as she leads Jasmine into the office. They are followed by Mr. Davis and Principal Johns enters last, closing the door behind him.

I already miss having Jasmine beside me. The small moment we shared before our parents arrived made me realize how much I have missed her. And it showed me how much of an idiot I have been. My guilty feelings kept me away from her, so in a sense, Angel almost got what he wanted.

"How are you holding up, Monkey?" My mom nudges me with her arm.

I shake my head at her. In all honesty, this whole video thing has become overwhelming. First, Ben and I had our falling out, and now Ralph. I lost both of my best friends who I thought I could trust, who I thought were my ride or dies. But both of them disrespected Jasmine, and maybe she can forgive that, but I just can not bring myself to, especially when it comes to Ralph. I would never be comfortable having him around Jasmine again. And there is no plausible reason anyone could ever give me to make me change my mind.

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