07: Aaron's Party

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The doorbell rings three times, letting me know Carter has arrived at my house. I left him instructions via text message to just come up to my room when he got here. We decided last minute to head to Aaron's party from my place, which I am glad we did because I am still getting ready.

I carefully finished applying my last bit of eyeliner and smile at my reflection. I decided on making my eyeliner give me the illusion of siren eyes. Angel says he likes it when I look seductive. So, since I'll be seeing him tonight, hopefully, I want to look my best. He hasn't answered any of my calls or texts since we saw each other last, and I am starting to worry about him.

I walk out of my walk-in closet and find Carter scrolling through videos on his phone while laying backward on my bed. I clear my throat to get his attention.

He cranes his neck, turning his head towards me. I watch as his eyebrows shoot up. I feel a bit nervous from how he is just staring at me, his mouth slightly open.

"Well?" I laugh nervously, gesturing around myself. "Do I look good enough for a college party?"

"You look perfect." Carter says in a breathy whisper.

"Perfect?" I tilt my head at him.

His face flushes, and he sits up suddenly, completely facing me now. "Y-you look great l-like you always do is what I meant to say." I watch his Adam's apple bob as he swallows hard.

I roll my eyes at him, ignoring his nervous rambling.

"Do you think the cargo pants and corset top are too much?" I ask as I look myself over in my full-length mirror. I adjust the sweetheart neckline of my top and make sure my boobs are secure.

I notice Carter's eyes roaming to places they shouldn't be as he watches me through the mirror. I give his reflection a look, and he hurriedly looks away, taking his phone up in his hands.

"Looks like everyone but us is already at the party."

"Oh yeah?" I come and stand over him to get a look at his phone. The way Carter stiffens up from our nearness does not go unnoticed by me. He seems to be getting more and more nervous around me, and I don't know why. I mean, I get it that he gets turned on by me because he is just a horny guy at times, and I make it a point to tease him for my own enjoyment. But that is just us. There is no need for nerves. We have known each other forever, and we know each other better than we do our own selves, so why is he suddenly acting all weird around me like I'm a stranger?

"Is that Bianca and Aaron?" I ask while looking at two people making out on his screen.

"Yeah, Ralph said they have been playing truth or dare dirty version. If you look in the corner, you can see Ben punching the air."

We both laugh. "Well, we need to get you there as soon as possible then."

I grab my jacket, putting it on. Carter looks around anxiously. I come up to him and grab his wrist. "It's just a party, Carter. You'll be fine." I pull him along after me as I lead us downstairs.

"B-but you know I don't do truth or dare or anything that involves doing something I wouldn't do on my own."

"You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with." I continue dragging him along until we've reached my front door.

"Yeah, I know I'm just-"

I put my hands on his shoulders. His eyes dart between both of my hands before focusing back on me.

"I promise you you'll be fine, okay? When have I ever let you down?"

"You haven't but-"

"Exactly." I interrupt, "Now we're going to go to this party. Have the time of our lives, and who knows... maybe you'll meet your dream girl." I sing the words dream girl.

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