14: Double Trouble

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I smile at the emoji of a middle finger flipping me off. That is all Carter will say in response to all of my texts. He has been giving me the silent treatment since yesterday evening after our gym session. His pouting face the rest of the day was actually kind of cute. All he would do when I talked to him was shrug like a grumpy toddler. And now, today, his colorful emoji is all that lights up our texts.

"So, are the boys joining us today?" Kelly asks me while glancing around the cafeteria.

I give her a smirk. "By boys, do you mean Ben?"

Her face flushes a bright crimson, and a laugh bubbles up from my throat.

"I don't know if they will. Carter won't give me any answers except for this."

I show her our texts, and her eyes widen.

"What happened?"

I bite my bottom lip and look around our table. Bianca is engrossed in a conversation with Izzy and the other girls in our group, who I honestly hardly know pay little attention to us. I lean in close to whisper to her.

"Yesterday, I dry humped Carter in the middle of a boxing ring at the gym."

"You did what?" She whisper yells moving in closer towards me.

"What can I say? I was horny!" I whine quietly, "and it has been a minute since I have gotten any."

"Why haven't you two done it yet?" She rolls her eyes, "Just get over seeing each other naked already! I saw you two at the club, and I can tell Carter wants it."

Now, I am the one to roll my eyes.

"You know how Carter is. He wants his first time to be special." I sigh heavily for extra dramatic effect. I obviously can't tell her that we have a no sex policy in a contract for our fake relationship that she thinks is genuine and real.

I am honestly second-guessing this whole fake relationship thing because since the club, Angel has gone silent on me. He doesn't text or spam my phone with calls anymore. He doesn't even look at my stories on my socials. For all I know, he could be moving on with someone else because he thinks I am happy now. But I'm not. I'm playing a stupid game with my best friend, and I am beginning to hate it. I just want something real. And I want it to be with Angel, so if all I get out of this whole mess is failure, then what am I even doing anymore?"

"Hello Jasmine, where are you, Jasmine..." Kelly waves her hands in my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked you how come Carter is mad at you? Did he not like what happened at the gym?"

"Well..." I giggle a little remembering Carter's flaring nostrils when I didn't let him finish.

"I sort of made him build up and then stopped right as he was about to release." I smile sheepishly at her, and the two of us bust out laughing, Kelly laughs way harder than I do, which causes everyone at our table to cast curious glances her way.

"You're so bad!" She shakes my arms while continuing to laugh. "He is better than me because I would have pinned you down and finished myself off."

I audibly gasp, "Kelly!" I slap her arm. "Don't go giving him any ideas now."

"Don't give who any ideas." Ben says as he sits down beside me. I notice Kelly instantly becoming bashful at the sight of him. Cute.

"My boyfriend," I answer, "where is he anyway?"

Ben shrugs, "we were on our way here, and some girl stopped him because she had a question about dolphins or something I don't know. I honestly think it was just an excuse to talk to him."

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