not really an update but! read please.

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Hello everyone, if you read this whole book you'll know about the "protag.parker situation" and I'd like to address it again, today I friended Naya or iyahnie my ex. I was going to text her ofcouse because the drama has been over for months and it's already almost 2024, and me and her have talked before to when the drama stoped but we stopped talking for a while. So I friended her to see how she's doing, but I fell asleep right after so she didn't know what was going on so she assumed I friended her on accident which IS understandable. Well until I came back I got a friend request from someone named "ray" (showing the conversation we had below.)


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-------• As you can see she has been spreading alot of lies about me, I've already showed alot of evidence about this drama in my recent updates on this story, I've been only putting this situation on this book because it's the only book of mine t...

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• As you can see she has been spreading alot of lies about me, I've already showed alot of evidence about this drama in my recent updates on this story, I've been only putting this situation on this book because it's the only book of mine that's really viral it gets a lot of views. But PLEASE don't believe her I don't know why she's even bringing up the drama to her friend who doesn't even know me, so I can be labeled as a "toxic ex" I wasn't going to attack her I have nothing to attack her with we've already moved on from the drama yet she still brings this up and it's genuinely frustrating for me.

Her Discord: 1mhis.
Her TikTok that she changed username during the drama:

I don't really care if you don't know who she is but please report her, or her discord account because this is seriously annoying

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I don't really care if you don't know who she is but please report her, or her discord account because this is seriously annoying. And if I'm getting provoked by the drama then she should to sense she was the main one in the wrong, like she legit linked my face and deadname..
And I'm in the wrong? Please don't text her in her comments questioning the drama it'll just get worse. Anyway, thanks for reading<3

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