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Lincoln had a nightmare. Unfortunately, that's what woke him up for school and not his mother telling him to get ready. He had this horrible dream where people had broken into his house during the night. It was frightening, but he was able to collect himself and wipe away the cold perspiration that dropped down to his eyebrows, then down his cheeks in a freezing line. "My god," he said. "What a terrible dream." He got out of bed, leaving the comforting safety of a blanket and sheets behind. It was time to put away the thought of that disturbing dream and continue with his day like normal—just how he wanted it: Normal. His teeth were of utmost hygienic priority, so he walked down the brown carpeting; wobbling, because he was still drowsy from waking up after such disorienting, powerful imagery. He immediately found something off, however. In his family of ten sisters, it made the daily bathroom trip nearly impossible. So why were his sisters—occupying an identical schedule as him—not to be seen filed in a line to the bathroom door like they always were? "Mom?" he called out. The longer he waited for a response, the louder the silence became. Did he wake up late? Was it a snow day and everybody went to get hot chocolate without him? Did his family... desert him? No, his family would never leave him behind! They loved him so much! But then where were they?

He no longer cared to brush his teeth. Instead, he spent his time searching every sibling's room on the top floor. Once he found nobody, he moved onto the downstairs. This was when the relief struck him. Stepping off the last stair, he saw them all there: His whole family gathered in the living room. However, the way they found themselves comfortable was peculiar. None of them were in a rush to get to work or school. They all just sat in strange ways. For example, two of them sat on the arms of the couch and not on the cushioning. Three more sisters sat on the floor like gargoyles. Two of them leaned against the wall, and the last of them were hunched over the coffee table, invested in something. "Are they eating? Why are they acting like savages?" Whatever they were digging at on that table, they were biting into and shaking around vigorously. In all this bewilderment, a sudden realization came. Flopping down between two of the feasting sisters, was an arm. Lincoln screamed. The three feasting sisters turned their heads to look at him, and the other seven followed suit. The three stood, and that revealed the rest of what was hidden: The body of Lincoln's parents, laid on the table; bleeding to such a degree that you could barely see the color of skin under all the spilled red.

Lori, one of the ones who was feasting on his parents, said to him: "Thirsty? There's plenty left." Lincoln stumbled back, his body already planning an escape which his mind was not quick enough to perceive. He shuffled up the stairs, backward, crawling, unable to settle for a moment to stand. All the sisters, in unison, shifted. They now walked towards him. Lincoln's fear overwhelmed him, and he was no longer able to move. They crowded around him, with Lori standing in front of them all. "Don't be scared. We're your sisters, after all." She gave an ironic smile, which showed off a distinct feature of predation: Two sharp fangs. Lori began laughing, cackling with a sadistic shrill, and the rest of the sisters behind her moved around her, coming to the front and proceeding forth to drink Lincoln's blood until he shriveled up into a pale, lifeless coat of wilted skin. "Don't move," Lori said. "It will only take a second." They held him down by the arms, and two sisters sat on each of his knees. He kicked and screamed, "LET GO OF ME!" But with his parents gone and his sisters completely consumed by maleficence, his screams did not reach helpful ears but fed the pleasure of his vampiric sisters.

"NO!" he screamed. "GET OFF OF ME!"


Lincoln: Vampire HunterWhere stories live. Discover now