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       Lincoln wouldn't take orders. Especially not from this monster. "If you don't mind, I've got some damn questions of my own," he shouted to him. "Why didn't you die? We put two or three silver bullets in you, so how are you still standing?" Zayus laughed. "Gods tend to be invulnerable. Shouldn't you all know that? I can see a stone cross from here—high up on the roof of what could only be a church. You believe in higher beings, so why's it so hard to believe that one exists on earth? Here I am. Worship me." None of them were pleased with this answer, as none of them thought of him as a god as much as they did a demon.

"We're not interested in talking," one citizen shouted amidst the crowd. "We want to take off your head, pierce it with a pole, and stick it out front for all vampires to see! We want them all to know just how much more powerful we are than them!" Zayus listened to the man with a sinister grin, and when the man stopped speaking, Zayus laughed. "It's almost sad you'll all be gone, but I'm sure a full stomach will make it all the more easy to cope with. We go to war with your town tonight. I thought it would be courteous to let you all know, however, since you all keep interrupting me, I suppose I'll just leave. Prepare yourselves any way you want—there's nothing you can do to prevent your deaths."

And with that, Zayus Greek vanished, and the world went black for a second. The sky turned red and the sun blinked like a lightbulb. A malevolent energy was surrounding them and they knew that their town was in danger. This was the night they would rally against the vampires once and for all, armed with lead bullets and rifles and guided by their courage and resolve. Ronnie announced one last thing before everyone departed. "Go home to your families, friends, pets, or even just your TVs. This could be our last night living. Spend it with the ones you love." They all nodded and began to leave. Lincoln followed Ronnie home, and they both sat on her couch. Ronnie was nervous about what was coming, but Lincoln had seen her far worse. He turned to her and asked, "Are you ready?" She nodded.

Then a knock came at the door. No, rather, a pounding. As if somebody was trying to break in.

Lincoln: Vampire HunterWhere stories live. Discover now