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With lots of struggle with myself I knocked on half opened door and saw him. Oh his is the new CEO the one who dropped me to apartment yesterday. He eyes also catch my presence and he permitted me to enter. He was seated on his chair and one employee was stood infront of his table. "Take a seat Ms. Isha" he gestured me thorough his hand and I followed him.

"You can leave now" he calmly said but his voice octave deep and seriousness was dripping from it. He was rediating dark yet cold aura around him. He is whole another person, he is not the one who dropped me yesterday. As that employee went out he took glass of water and glupped it in one go then closed his eyes. After more like 10 to 15 he looked up at me.

"Let's go, I will introduce you to designing department" he said but what shocked me more is his voice is again to normal. Without any objection I followed him. He took me out of his cabin and maybe we are in designing department. Whole department went silent on his presence.

"May I have your attention" he asked and everyone faced him giving their 100 % attention to him. "So meet Ms. Isha Malhotra she is the new manager of designing department" he stated. "But sir isn't Ms. Oberoi is our current department manager" one of the employee asked "yes but it will be Ms. Isha from now on" he replied rigid voice.

"Than what about me" one of the girl said. "As I told you Ms. Isha will be the new department manager of designing branch, end of discussion" he said with no more nonsense now tone. That girl eyes fell on me and rolled back. May be she was the designing department manager before me.

After announcing it told one of employee something and went back to his cabin. "Ma'am let me show your table for now, soon I will arrange your cabin" I nodded. He took me one of the table from where I can easily look in the cabin of our boss by the transperant glass. I got at my seat and. The files that the department manager had to finish came to me.

Gosh did she didn't come for 1 week or what this is so much pending and last date is tomorrow. I folded my shirt to my elbows and started with my work. There is lots of checking, making corrections, complete designs, writing note to complete the work and all. I put my fifth cup of coffee down.

I finished almost files but still 3 files are there. I looked at the my phone to see time. It's almost 6 ok after completing this I will leave. "Umm Ms. Isha these are festival collection you have to check them to before submitting to boss" I looked at her closely why am I feeling like she is smirking. "Ok I will do it" I said and collect the privious file and placed on my bag.

"Ms. Isha you can't take any file with you to house, it's unsaid rule here" she said 'That's weird rule' "ok you don't have to worry, I will finish all the files here only" I tried hard to give one polite smile. She left from there, I opened the file which gave me. To be honest I really didn't liked the designs, even students can make good designs than this. Closing the file I put it aside. Checking this file is just waste of time.

I took out the other files which I was working, my all focus was on file that didn't even realised when the whole become empty. Only my desk lights were on and CEO cabin's may be he is also working. Last file was almost completed, I just have to re-check "Ms. Isha office hours are already completed" I looked up to see Mr. Shaurya who stood infront of my desk. His blezer was on his shoulder and shirt was folded to his elbow, messed up hair.

I quickly shifted my eyes to my phone it's 9:30. "I was about to go after completing these files. As I can't take these files to home" I replied as my eyes continuously scanned the file infront of me. "There's bot any rule like tha. If the manager's work is incomplete then still they can go home and complete it" he said in monotonous, head shot up to see him.

𝐈𝐬𝐡𝐚: 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now