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Happy reading♡

Author POV :
It's been a month since the anniversary celebration of Mr & Mrs.Malhotra. slowly everything was getting to right place. Because of some family issues Isha and Shaurya's engagement got delayed as well as Aaditya and Dhruvi's.

After finding the delay in engagement Shaurya got little disappointed but he took this as opportunity to get her know more. And it's actually helped him a lot to know her more and they become close not like lovers but as friends.

Saying that Shaurya is happy will be understatement. He was more than happy in his daily routine. His feelings were getting more stronger day by day. His friend's Riyansh and Samar were teasing the hell out him after finding the new fondness of Shaurya towards Isha.

Where as Isha, she was literally getting a therapy to get over Aaditya. She was invested her all emotions in that relationship that now it's started suffocate her from the single thought of they aren't together anymore.

She had cried her heart out that night after the celebration. She cried so she shouldn't cry over him ever again. She was so determined to get over him as now her one wrong decision will destroy four life and she wants anything but hurt Shaurya.

Now Isha is permanently moved to Mumbai while handing over the MD position of Malhotra industry to Ishan and I-BEAUTY is now handling by Shalini. Isha is going to open new branch of I-BEAUTY in Mumbai and still working in Singhaniya Fashion industry.

Working in same building also build a good compatibility between Isha and Shaurya and also helped them to get closer although they maintained professionalism in work place but there was slight difference between how they behaved before and now.

Getting office in same time, going back with eachother, having meals together was already catched many coworkers attention as everyone were already aware about the relationship between them but no one gossiped about it as they know how strict Shaurya and Isha when it's comes to work.

"Ma'am meeting is about start, every department manager's are already there" one of employee said, as she stood in front of Isha's cabin. "Oh I'll be there in few minutes" Isha replied as she started to collect the file which she is going to present in the meeting.

It was just weekly reporting meeting, but every department manager must attend it. Walking into the meeting room she took the seat which she normally take. Which was beside Samar.

Samar smiled at her which she returned quickly. "Congratulations for the award" he whispered near her "thank you" she said with warm smile. She recently got awarded for her new designs of platinum jewellery in category of platinum jewellery of the year.

Someone clearing their throat made there focus diverted. Samar smirked as he saw blank face of Shaurya. "Let's begin with the meeting" Shaurya's deep voice echoed in the meeting room and everyone begin with reporting their work.


After completing the work Isha packed her things before entering into elevator. She pressed the button of ground floor and waited for elevator to move down floor.

As elevator dinged with sound indicating that she is now in ground floor, metal door opened and she walked out of it.

She booked a cab as today morning she came with Shaurya, but now she doesn't want to disturb him as he had hytric schedule today and must be still completing his work. But to her bad there was not any cab were available in the location.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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