try and stay out of everybodys way

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I woke up the next morning buzzing, reminiscing yesterday. My hot make our session with Harry that was cut short by talia. And then I realised, this would be my last morning waking up in this flat as a result to my quick thinking decision.

It was really bittersweet to know I'd be leaving it behind, but it's for the better.

I lay in bed tired, I couldn't be arsed for today. Packing things up and putting it all away. Like who wants to do that (spoiler alert: not me!)

Just as I was about to drift off to sleep,2 loud bags were hit against my door. I let out a loud groan before dragging myself out of my messy bed and forcing myself to the door.

"hello- wait what are you 3, 5?! What are you all doing here?" I opened my door to see harry, freezy , lux, ethan and jj at 8AM!

"erm to help like I said we would!" Harry responded looking at me funny. "Stop looking at me like that you donut, please make yourself at home." I said making way for the five of them.

"Did Harry force you guys to come? Be honest because I definitely wouldn't come this early for any one yous, no offence" I smiled and looked at all the tired boys who had helped themselves to coffee for the long day ahead.

"he did ask, but hey we weren't busy so we thought why the fuck not!" Jj said laughing.

"Oh P! We were thinking, maybe if we get you all moved in before let's say 6? We can throw a house welcoming party!" Ethan suggested and my eyes widened.

"Really E, you think you'll be able to move everything in the next 8 hours? And then throw a house warming party? Don't get me wrong I'm so down but there's no chance!" I laughed, damn a party sounded so good.

"oh we'll get it done! as long as you two don't mess about!" lux answered, his eyes darting from me to Harry.

"Oi lux! What you mean mess about!" Harry said defending me and himself. "Please you two aren't good at hiding your feelings!" freezy joined in "the other day bog had a fever and you should have seen the way she looked after him, bless it was quite cute actually," he finished.

"Freezy shut up yesterday you were out shagging girl I don't wanna hear it!" I pointed out causing all the boys to laugh.

"And with that I think we should get to work" freezy clapped his hands and everyone sat up and began to pack my shit away.

"how do you have so much clothes parker!" Ethan said after dumping half of my wardrobe into a box. "Half of its gifted, but I keep it cause at the end of the day it's free clothes!" I smile down at him as he stands up and carries the box away.

"At least when you move in the new flat you'll have a walk in!" He yelled before exiting the flat down to the van.

I've always dreamed of having a walk in wardrobe, and to think I'll finally have one blows my mind.

"Parker Bentley!" I heard Harry shout from the other side of the flat. I sighed to myself before getting up and making my way over. "What is it idiot" I huffed jokingly when he pulled a black sideman hoodie from behind his back.

"is this my hoodie under your bed?" He asked with a cocky smile. "god lewis don't get so full of yourself, and yes it is." I smiled walking over to the bed he was sitting on.

"why'd I not get it back?" he asked. "cause I like it and now it's mine, I couldn't throw it away when we broke up" I sighed even thinking about the breakup.

"hey that's in the past, we move forward yeah," he lifted my chin up with one single finger, our faces inches away. "You know I'd love to kiss the shit out of you and do it right now but, we have to hurry up if we wanna party and you'll get to see me all dressed up" I smiled mischievously.

"oh yeah I'd like that!" he said getting up from the bed as I walked away. I felt a slap on my ass causing me to gasp out in shock. "you absolute bastard!" I laughed placing a kiss on his lips before leaving to go sit in my usual spot and be no help whatsoever.

Finally once everything was moved into the van and we were ready to go. I took one last glance around the place I'd been living in for 2 years. Relieved to finally let go and have a fresh start in a new environment. Once I was satisfied with my goodbyes, I locked up for the very last time. I locked all those memories away with it, hopefully I'll cross paths with those memories again soon. 

Ethan and JJ took the van, so I ended up in the car with lux driving , freezy riding shotgun and me and Harry in the back, fairly close together. 

"what time is it?" lux asked curiously. "urm 12" Harry responded checking his phone then placing it back on his lap.

"i think we have time to mother fucking party!!" Lux screamed, turning up the radio like a mad man and honking his horn, on a main road.

"bro chill out!" freezy laughed turning down the music and stopping lux from killing us.

"jesus lux oh my god! next time I vote freezy to drive you stupid bitch!" I shouted slapping lux on his shoulder.

"while it's just us 4. What's happening with you two love birds?" lux asked turning back for a second to stare at us.

"what do you mean?" I said back to him with a smile, then looked at Harry who was smiling too.

"don't act dumb, yous have obviously made up right?"

"right!" we nodded in usion.

"so friends or-,"

"friends" me and Harry said, emphasising on that fact. It's not that we don't want anyone to know about us two getting together again because no one has an issue. We just want to go at our own pace and don't want anyone to know. Even if they think somethings going on our lips are sealed.

I looked up at Harry smirking. We both knew we were way more with friends and knew we both weren't a casual thing to each other.

"how about you rock a little black dress tonight Bentley" he whispered in my ear causing me to turn beetroot red. "I don't mind it you know"

We arrived at my new flat, it was stunning! It was still open plan however much bigger. It was like a millionaires home. The rooms inside it were: a entrance hall, a kitchen, 2 guest bedrooms and one master(mine) a walk in wardrobe, 3 bathrooms one of them being my en-suite, a storage cupboard and a balcony.

"wow" I said , I could've sworn my jaw was on the floor. "it's beautiful right?" Ethan said coming in behind me and hugging me. This was everything I wanted.

"get to work you guys so we can fucking partyyy"

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