it turns out freedom aint nothing but missing you

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slowly I crept into Harry holiday room. His bed was placed in the middle of the modern master and in it lay Harry, peacefully sleeping but not for long.

"ugh who the fuck is in my room now." he sighed tiredly, his eyes still shut.

Well shit what do it say.

"it's me pa-,"

"Parker?!" He jumped up from his bed scaring the living shit out of me which he noticed.

"Sorry sorry my apologies but what the fuck are you doing here?!" he asked softly.

"I'm here to talk like we said we would because I have, a lot of explaining to do." I started and he nodded.

"yeah uhm I think you do I just want closure Bentley, it all came from no where." he said looking at the floor , fiddling with his hands visibly uncomfortable by the subject.

"I'm very aware it came out of no where. I don't know why I done it, everything was going so good, almost so good it felt to good to be true. I sit everyday wishing I'd realised what I had when you were mine. My heart aches at the thought of the hurt I've caused you because of it, because of me. What I was thinking I'll never know it just, I don't know" I cried not making eye contact till finishing then finally meeting his eyes.

His teary, sadden eyes.

What have I done to this boy. I've broke him.

"Harry" I lift his chin up with my finger tip forcing him to look at me.

"Why?" His voice breaks quietly before throwing away my hand.

"Why what Harry?" Tears streamed down my face leaving a pool of them on Harry's bed sheets.

"Why did you do that? We were so good and it was real! I was nothing but good to you and in return you gave me , nothing in the end." he said a tear seeping from his eye.

What have I done. I can't even argue with him because I know damn well he's right. He was perfect, he was my everything and I didn't realise it. I took it all for granted and now my whole body is filled with regret.

"I know, you were and still are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I know you probably hate me for it and after this never want to see my face again and that's fine because I'm just a bitch and-," I rambled on but got cut off.

"You think I hate you? Parker come on." He started walking closer towards me, even in the saddest of times him being inches away from me fills me with butterflies.

"even after all this shit, I could never hate you. You know I thought you hated me after the breakup because I thought I done something wrong or that upset you and even though I knew I done nothing , I was trying to put the blame on me so when the news got out that we were over, it'd seem to be all my fault just to protect you. I wish I didn't do that. But even after all this , pain and complete utter bull shit, I still love you Bentley and it kills me."

𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 ~ 𝐰𝟐𝐬Where stories live. Discover now