but its golden, like daylight

911 4 0

parker pov
I press light chaps upon Ethan's door, hoping for a quick response as it is fucking freezing. Thankfully he answers his door in seconds, welcoming me with a warm endearing hug.

"be gentle with him, please be patient with him" he smiled down at me, I nodded slowly.

"where is he?" I whispered under my breath to the ginger opposite me.

He pointed over to the spare room in his home, just opposite the kitchen. I smiled up at him, leaving and walking over to the door.

I don't really know what to say to Harry, because I know I did something wrong, but also in my mind it wasn't that bad? Or was it?

Usually Harry's so good at not taking stuff to heart, god I hope he's not took it to heart.

Cautiously, I knock on the door. No answer so I decided to let myself in. Slowly I opened the door to be met with a tired harry, lay across his bed.

He was swiping through intstagram with an AirPod in his head closet the door. Great how am I meant to get his attention. Yup only by making it more awkward.

Forcefully I shut the door loud enough so he can hear through the musical.

He jumps slightly before turning round and meeting my eyes. He looked exhausted, worn out and over all like he had a rough night.

The room was filled with a tense silence for a solid two minutes and I had come to the conclusion I shouldn't be here, this chat was unnecessary.

"i shouldnt have come here I'm going to go-,"

"stay" he spoke.

"hm?" I asked him.

"stay please"

"okay" I smiled sympathetically, quite literally taking him under my wing and laying his head on my chest.
I rubbed my hand across his cheek softly, unsure of what to do, should I be doing this if he's mad? Is he even mad? Is he okay?

"are you angry with me Harry? Because about last night-,"

"no no no parks im not angry" he whispered. "it's not your fault i promise"

"w-what do you mean?" I stutter slightly. "who's is it then"

"uhm," he let out a big long huff. "might want to get comfortable you're going to be here a while" he sat up leaving my embrace.

"that's fine by me" I smiled

for a moment he sat in silence, his mind looking full of thoughts.

"so uhm, around 5 years ago I was just doing shopping and, a girl came up to me. Her name was kaci and she was throwing herself right at me passing me her number"

I nodded along with every word, unsure of where exactly this was going.

"so like an hour later she FaceTimed me and we chatted, she wouldn't stop going on about how good looking I was and how handsome she I thought I was"

I mean who could blame her, my boyfriend is so sexy.

"then out of nowhere she asked for my address," he looked down "I shoulve said no, like I was letting a complete stranger into my home but, at the time it didn't feel like it. And so I sent her my address and within about she rocked up at mine"

I continued to nod along with his story.

"she hit to forceful bangs on my front door, and when I opened it I got a whiff of alcohol right in my face. And- and as soon as I opened the door and let her in she charged at me and started kissing me"

What? is what I thought to myself. "with you're consent?" I asked.

"without it."

I was instantly sadden by his statement.

"Harry's that's fucking sexual harassment did you report it?!" I whisper shouted so Ethan couldn't quite hear.

"first off no shit sherlock, second of all no I didn't because, and three Ethan knows so stop your ridiculous whispering"

"because what?" I butted in.

"let me finish Bentley" I rolled my eyes before tuning back in.

"so, I pushed her off me, told her to stop and she started talking nonsense to my face, asking me why I didn't want to kiss her and why'd I call her pretty if I don't want to get with her. So I turned around and was about to tell her why when all of a sudden she smashed a glass bottle to my head"

I audibly gasped.

"it was like a river was pouring out the back of my head, non stop blood escaping my body. My head became so and foggy. I remember feeling shaky and, and weak. And then she screamed at me, threatened me that, I don't know I shoulve listened to her and that I'm a complete dick. To be honest i don't remeber much else as almost as soon as she was finished I fell to the ground unconscious"

speechless, that's what I was. how could someone do this to Harry?

"she's locked away now, and she called the ambulance to come get me, I don't know how she came around or I'd be dead. So part of my thanks her but she's been convicted of attempted murder"

leaving my jaw hanging that little big lower.

"that's why I left and uhm, had another panic attack. just you being drunk and shouting at me it just, reminded me of her you know? Thankfully Ethan and Tobi came out and followed me. Helped me through it when you couldn't." he finished.

I could see it in his eyes he was hurting.

"why did-did you never tell me" I finally spoke , tears threatening or fall from my eyes.

"I was scared, so scared to tell anyone about what she did" tears began trickling down his cheeks and I pulled him into a warm hug.

"im- so so sorry for last night because if I knew Harry, I would've never said those words about you and you know I never meant anything okay" I sobbed and he nodded into my chest, also sobbing.

after a while , I found myself wrapped up into Harry chest, out legs intertwined, we couldn't be any closer right now.

I wanted to stay like this forever, he was my soulmate, the love of my life. I'm never ever going to meet someone quite like Harry. And that's why, I want to spend the rest of my life with this boy , because I truly love him to the moon and back.

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