ill be getting over you my whole life

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harrys pov:
"fuck you harry. I don't even, even want to be here you know. I want to be in my bed. Listen if you weren't here maybe I'd be having more fun" she screamed rather aggressively in my face, taking me aback.

I'm not a pussy, if I get shouted at I'm usually fine but Parker never usually raises her voice, it's one reason why I fell for her.

Being in the spotlight comes with so many pros, I mean compared to most 'ordinary' people my job is pretty easy and fun. I'm getting paid to hang out with my friends.

But that bad thing is, everyone knows you. They know your face, your name, your personality, and girls know I've got money, that's the thing that make's memories flush back.

One time about 5 years ago I was walking around the mall when I came across a gorgeous girl, her name was Kaci. Petite, brunette and had piercing blue eyes.

We chatted in the middle of the shops until she slipped me her number, to which when I got home I dialed.

Barely an hour after meeting her I was FaceTiming Kaci, she expressed how handsome and good looking I was and all seemed normal. Until she said something, which I wish I said no to.

"give me your address, I can come over" she said it so sweetly at the time but looking back it was so manipulative and me being naive didn't help.

I responded yes and within the next hour or so she pulled up, wasted.

She hit two heavy bangs on me and cals front door, however cal wasn't in. At first i jumped, then quickly remembered i invited Kaci, warmly opening the door.

Not even a second after I opened the door, she had flung herself on me. She had her tongue in my mouth without my consent and her alcoholic aura lingered.

Forcefully I pushed her off of me. "what the fuck" I murmured confused wiping my lips.

"what you-you don't like it" i remember she slurred. "harry, why don't you like it I thought I was pretty"

"I didn't want to kiss you kaci, I just met you three ho-," I was turning around to grab a glass of water to get her stinky alcohol breath oder out of my mouth when all of a sudden the back of my head was struck.

I lifted my hand to the back of my head, blood was gushing from my head rapidly, I began getting lightheaded. How could she do that?

"Harry" she came over to me and touched my chest, my eyes started closing at the amount of blood I was losing. "next time listen to me, ugh you're such a dick" and after that I fully collapsed to the ground.

Somehow Kaci came to her senses and called 999 , to which i was quickly took to hospital and she was arrested for attempted murder which is, terrifying and to this day it still haunts me.

Kaci only wanted me for my money, she admitted in court which somehow took her sentence down and now she's serving her final few years.

That's why when Parker screamed in my face about how she didn't want me here, a lump formed in my throat and my head began to ache as memories of that night began to flood over every inch of my brain.

Quickly I fled the flat and ran out the apartment complex, down to a little bench that looked out to the city. The sun was long gone and I sat in silence. Shaking and scared. I don't know why. Parker's nothing like Kaci, but because Parker was drunk and shouting and putting me down, in the same place Kaci did, I was so scared.

I was physically shaking, my head was spinning and I felt ill. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I tried to hold in a complete breakdown.

None of this was Parker's fault, it's all on me and my past.


tobis pov:

"harry" i stutter at my words unsure if the boy in the bench wearing a white T-shirt is actually harry, although quickly ethan reassures me and agrees it is him.

"hey boggo what up?" Me and Ethan approach the bench, our heart's instantly heavy at the sight. Harry was shaking and breathing irregularly. His eyes were watery and he looked pale and, frightened?

"hey what's going on?" Ethan took a seat down next to him on the bench as I knelt down infront of the poor boy.

"nothing I'm being dramatic" he sighed wiping his eyes vulnerablly, his hand trembling like mad.

"harry, you can talk to us you'll be ok" I tried to reassure him.

"it won't me okay" he said in between uneasy breaths, I grabbed his shaky hands in allowed him ti match my breathing. Seeing him in this state seriously broke my heart.

harrys pov:

"thank you tobs" I smiled down at the elder embarrassed as Ethan had his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm sorry for how Parker acted she was out of line for that" ethan said, clearly unsure on what to say.

"yeah we told her to get it sorted" Tobi added rubbing my leg to calm me down. 

"it's not her boys it's just," I sighed, should I really tell them?

"it's just, trauma." I sobbed , Ethan pulled me into his chest and Tobi continued to rub circles on my leg.

I could tell their faces were most definitely confused and surprised at what I said. I mean what trauma could I have my life is 'perfect'

"what do you mean bud" tobi said to me making feel a sense of safety and with Ethan by my side I felt secure and that I could trust these two to not tell anyone. 

"uhm so basically.." i began, shakily making my way through the story, tears rolling down my cheeks and my head and vision becoming foggy at the thought of that night, again.

"that's why I ran off it just, I don't know" i sniffles into my hands.

"deja vu?" ethan finished for me, sounding sad. I looked up to the 2 elders to see they both had sad faces, visibly upset. 

"I'm so sorry Harry you've had to sit in silence about all that for ages, never feel like you can't talk to us" tobi patted my back, clearing his throat and standing up. "We should head b-,"

"No I'm not going back," i butted in, standing up to quickly and stumbling into Ethan's arms. "bro relax you're okay, we can crash at mine" Ethan suggested to which me and Tobi nodded.

"sounds good"

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