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"What are you doing here?" Gina asked again her words dripping with venom.

Terri Porter shifted slightly clearly taken aback by her daughter's animosity. Eventually she replied, "How could you think I'd miss my baby's wedding day?"

"Well it's not a movie set or a press conference, so forgive me if I didn't think you'd be interested," Gina bitingly answers.

"I deserved that," Terri Porter said clearly ashamed. "Gina, please, I just want to talk."

Emmy looked at Gina and saw her clench her fists in aggravation before angrily saying, "You've had seven years to talk to me, so whatever you have to say I don't want to hear today, or ever for that matter." Gina's fury subsided a bit before finishing with a sardonic, "thanks for stopping by." With that Gina turned back to her mirror, double checking herself, as if her mother's presence would cause her makeup or dress to decay.

Out of the corner of her eye Emmy saw EJ slip past Ms. Porter with an awkward smile on his face. Emmy was more concerned with Gina though. Emmy had looked up to Gina for years, and ever since Shallow Lake Emmy had viewed Gina as a big sister. When Emmy had started at East High that bond had only gotten stronger. Gina was Emmy's friend, mentor, and idol. Emmy also was one of the few individuals who knew exactly how bad the relationship was between Gina and her mom, so Emmy could tell that Terri Porter's presence was spiking Gina's blood pressure, and it was clear the older woman had no intention of leaving.

Walking over to the stressed out bride Emmy, concerned, whispers, "do you want me to go and get Ricky?" Emmy knew that Ricky was the one person whose mere presence was enough to calm Gina down and relieve her stress, so it seemed like a smart idea.

"No!" Gina responds sharply. Catching herself Gina more softly says, "Sorry...I don't want him to see me yet."

"Baby," Terri starts again and Emmy watches as a murderous look crosses Gina's face in addition to her clenching fists, "I'm still your mother, and I love you. All I want is five minutes of your time. Five minutes and after I've said my piece if you still don't want me here I'll leave and you'll never have to see me again."

"Fine," Gina relents through clenched teeth. Gina turns to face her mother and crosses her arms before saying, "go ahead."

Terri glances over in Emmy's direction before saying, "I was hoping we could talk alone."

"And I was hoping that I wouldn't have to see you today, but I guess we're both disappointed," Gina lashes at her mom with more biting sarcasm. Taking a breath Gina continues, "I want some one here, if only to stop me from ruining my appearance before my wedding."

Terri is clearly not used to Gina being this way with her as she looks visibly uncomfortable with the whole situation. After a moment Terri requests, "well could that someone at least be Jaime? I'd prefer to keep this between family."

Emmy can see Gina's fury is already starting to reach a boiling point. Rather than let Gina explode in a fight with her mother on what is supposed to be the happiest day of her life Emmy quickly says, "Gina it's okay." Emmy leans in close to her friend and whispers, "the sooner she says what she needs to say the sooner she'll leave. I'll get Jaime and then she can be on her way and you can enjoy today."

"Thanks Ems," Gina whispers back, a bit of tension released, "just when you do, don't tell Ricky. I don't want him to worry." Emmy nods in response and quickly heads to find Jaime Porter.

It doesn't take long to find Gina's brother in Ricky's suite, with most of the guys trying to stop Ricky from leaving his room. It only took a moment to assess the situation. EJ was looking a bit guilty, Jaime had look of panic on his face, and Ricky was no longer playing around at being kept from Gina. It was obvious that EJ had told everyone Gina's mom was here and Ricky was trying to get to Gina.

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