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"Mom, I'm going to need you to let go of Gina at some point in the next five minutes, because we have to go," Ricky reminds his mother. Lynne Bowen had Gina Porter locked in a tight hug and seemed unwilling to let the young woman go. Ricky, Gina, and his parents stood by a waiting car. While everyone had brave faces on, it was clear all four were feeling melancholic at the situation at hand.

"I know," Lynne finally acquiesced to her son's request and let go Gina, "I'm just going to miss you both so much. Both of you going off to college, I've known this day was coming but it doesn't make it any easier."

Ricky leans over towards his dad and whispers, "mom does know I've already been in college for a year, right?"

"There's a difference between you going to college here and leaving to go to college in California," Mike points out to his son. Ricky lightly chuckles as he hugs his dad goodbye. "I'm gonna miss you, buddy. I love you. Be safe," Mike says to Ricky as his voice cracks before adding, "and take care of her."

Ricky gazes at Gina. Even after two years together he still could hardly catch his breath when he looked at her. She still made his heart race. Ricky often wondered if that reaction would ever go away, and hoped it never would. Sighing contently Ricky responded to his father, "I will, forever."

Going over to hug his mom, Lynne said with heartbreak in her voice, "oh my baby boy. It seems like just yesterday you were learning to walk. And now here you are driving away from us."

"It's going to be okay mom," Ricky comforts his mother.

"I know," Lynne replies with sad smile, "I'm taking some solace in the fact that at least you two will be together."

"So am I," Ricky laughs, "Gina has been using like a thousand checklists to prepare for this."

"I like to be prepared," Gina retorts as she playfully smacks Ricky's arm, "besides I'm kind of a pro at this." It's almost too fast to catch but Ricky sees Gina's happy facade slip for just a fraction of a second. He knows how hard this must be on her, moving again, but Ricky was here for Gina for this move.

"Well, speaking of being prepared, we really have to go," Ricky says to his parents. "Gina has our entire roadtrip mapped out and scheduled. So if we don't leave soon we're going to fall behind."

"Okay, okay," Lynne reluctantly replies. "We love you both."

"Bye you two, drive safe," Mike adds.

"And please text us whenever you stop anywhere, even if it's to get gas," Lynne continues, "just so we know you're safe."

"We will," Gina responds as Ricky rolls his eyes at his worrying parents, "bye Mr and Ms. Bowen."

"Bye mom, bye dad," Ricky bids farewell as he climbs into the driver's seat of the packed orange beetle.

While most of their belongings were in a moving truck that was already on it's way to California, Ricky and Gina had filled the back of the Bug up with several of their remaining belongings. Over the last couple days, Gina had been double and triple checking everything about their move, as if she was afraid she'd forget something. Ricky knew why Gina was doing it, and while she would laugh it off that she was 'an expert' at this, Ricky could tell this was bringing up some past trauma.

As they started their drive, Ricky would glance over Gina. Gina was looking out the passenger window, quietly gazing at the place she considered home. She was looking at the streets and the buildings, trying to hide her heartache. Ricky could relate, which is why he knew exactly what to do (at least he hoped he did).

All it took was one turn before Gina said, "Ricky, this isn't the way to the highway."

"I know," Ricky slyly responded, "we just have to make one quick stop before we go."

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