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(Author's note: I found out recently that I've been spelling Jamie's name wrong this entire story. Going forward I will be using the correct spelling.)

"Okay I need to know who's responsible for this," Jamie states after hearing the news, "because this wedding is about to become your funeral." Jamie stood surrounded by the entirety of the wedding party, excluding the bride and groom, and their old drama teacher waiting for an answer. Everyone present turned to the Best Man, Big Red.

"This is not my fault," Big Red tries in vain to defend himself.

"It 100% is your fault," Jet shot back, "You're the Best Man. The rings are your responsibility. Which I might add Ricky reminded you of last night when he gave them to you."

"I know," Big Red says, "which is why, when I went out for food last night, I put them in the glovebox of the rental van my family was using to cater the reception. That way I wouldn't forget them and I wouldn't accidentally lose them in whatever I was cooking like I was in a sitcom."

"Wait, so we do have the rings?" Seb asks.

"No," Big Red answers sheepishly, "turns out that van had engine trouble this morning so my family rented another van to transport themselves and the food. I just found out a few minutes ago." As the group sighs and scoffs at the news Big Red continues, "but...my dad stayed behind to get the original van fixed and he's on his way with the rings as we speak."

"Great," Jamie sighs with relief, "when will he be here?"

Big Red grimaces as he says, "Thirty minutes...maybe an hour." The wedding party lets out a group sigh as the wedding was supposed to start in ten minutes.

"What if," Ms. Jenn chimes in, "we got a couple to loan their wedding bands for the ceremony?That way the wedding would be on time. Benjamin and I would be more than willing to loan ours."

"That might work for the ceremony," Kourtney interjects, "But for the pictures after, it's a no go. Gina and Ricky's rings are custom made and very special. I would know, I helped design them. I don't think they'd want to be wearing someone else's rings in their wedding pictures."

"How special are these rings exactly?" EJ asks.

"Well for starters," Kourtney takes a deep breath as she explains, "the rings are actually made with two different metals. The outer layer is gold but it's engraved with a few notes of music, the first measure of their song Maybe This Time. In addition Ricky's ring is engraved the key of G while Gina's is in the Key of B."

"G for Gina, B for Bowen," Jet interjects.

"Mhm," Kourtney confirms, "but that's not all. The inner metal is made with a particular metal that means a lot to them."

"Titanium? Platinum?" Carlos guesses.

"No that's what we would get as Presidents of The Finer Things Club," Kourtney points out to her friend, "Ricky and Gina are two of the most sentimental people on the planet so...do you all remember a few years back when Ricky and Gina finally had to get a new car?"

"Yeah, Ricky was crushed," Big Red says as every nods, "he loved that car."

"Well," Kourtney continues, "Gina and Ricky salvaged some parts of the beetle. Like the backseat which has been repurposed as the loveseat in their basement."

"Kourtney where are you going with this?" Maddox asks the worry in her voice matching the worry filling everyone in the vicinity.

Kourtney sighs, "the other metal is made from Ricky's old car. The place where Ricky and Gina realized there was a connection between them. That way they'd always be carrying around a piece of the place they were when they realized they were falling for each other."

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