Chapter 7

531 11 34

(Escapism By RAYE)

Roxanne's Pov

The cold breeze hit my exposed skin as I walked through the doors to the bar like I owned the place. The deep red sparkly dress matched my heels, my nails, and my lipstick. People stared at me, and I loved every second of it.

I saw Julie smile at me, and her co-workers look at me in amazement. She walked out from behind the bar, throwing her arms around me. I hugged her tightly, bending down a little bit so I could hug her properly. That's the one bad thing about being tall, hugging people can get extremely difficult.

"Hey Chica!" I pressed a kiss to her cheek, which left a red outline of my lipstick but she didn't care.

"Hey!" She beamed with excitement as she looked around at her co-workers.

"Is Matteo still asleep?" She asked, and I nodded in response.

The plane ride always takes him out. He hates planes because of how tired they make him feel afterwards, so I told him to sleep, and I would gladly come keep Julie company. She wrapped her arm around me, leading me to her side of the bar.

"If you have to use the bathroom, I have a room in the back that you can use." She spoke as I sat down at one of the chairs.

"Thank you, beautiful." I winked, causing her to laugh.

"You're normal?" She asked, and I nodded my head.

The first time Julie ever talked to me was to ask me what my favorite drink was. She knew I was underaged, but she knew I had a fake ID, and she just went along with pretending I was above the drinking age. A brunette came around the bar and looked at me with a smile.

"You must be Roxanne?" She asked, before I stood up. She smiled as I towered over her.

Why is everyone short?

She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me, causing me to smile. I've never had a really big group of friends that were girls, but something about having these girls made me feel good.

"I think it's so funny how you and Sapnap's mom have the same name." Eryn said once we stopped hugging.

"What can I say, hot people have a hot name." Julie and Eryn both laughed as I sat back down, sipping my drink in front of me.

I looked around at the mass of people in the bar. A lot of people were sitting in booths or at the bar, but some people were dancing on the dancefloor, which made me happy. Not a lot of people danced at the bars I was used to, that's why I always went to clubs.


Did you really have to go to Texas?
I don't see the point of this?
If anything you should've just gone down for the party and then come right home.
I don't want you in a whole different state without me.
I can't believe i didn't get an invite, we've been dating forever.

Can we not do this right now?
I'm trying to have a good time, Jaxon.
I never get to go on trips or vacations, please let me have this one thing.

I don't like this shit roxanne.
I like you being home

Okay and i get that, but its normal for someone to go on vacation

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