ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 4: ᔕIᒪᐯEᖇ ᔕᕼOᖇEᔕ Oᖴ ᖇEᗩᒪITY

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As the morning sun gently peeked through the curtains, a vibrant new day unfolded before him. Slowly, he opened his eyes, reluctantly parting ways with his peaceful slumber. A soft groan escaped his lips as he shifted in the spacious bed, the tranquility of the morning traffic adding to the serenity of the moment. His gaze fixated on the ceiling, lost in a flood of memories from the previous night.

The way she looked at him, as if he held the power to illuminate her darkest nights, and the tender kisses that left him breathless, as if he were the very essence that filled her lungs. Each night spent with her was a revelation, an exhilarating journey into the unknown.

"Those lips, my goodness!" He closed his eyes tightly, his hand instinctively covering them, a mix of awe and self-consciousness washing over him. He was captivated by her beauty and sensuality, a man rendered speechless by her presence.

A faint smile danced upon his lips as the vivid recollections grew more vivid and resonant within his mind. The echoes of her pleasure, the symphony of her body responding to his touch, still reverberated through his being. The thrill he experienced each time she ascended to ecstasy and returned, all because of him.

"You're something else! I could kiss those lips for eternity! Words fail to capture the depth of what you do to me," he murmured, his chest rising and falling as he ran his fingers through his tousled black hair. Lost in the moment, a sudden notification jolted him from his reverie, causing his brows to furrow. His eyes quickly focused on the phone resting on the bedside table, eager to discover the interruption.

"Damn it! That must be Grant!" He swiftly grabbed his phone and immediately confirmed that it was him. As his eyes read through the text his chest felt heavier with the passing seconds. Grant was for sure not wasting any time. And every minute that passed since their conversation was making him anxious now.

"SHIT! I need to talk to her before it reaches her!" He expressed his concern as he quickly went through his contact list.

As the morning progressed, the once quiet street came alive with loud hunks and screeching tires. Almost reaching her company building, she was interrupted by an unexpected call. Her eyes fixated on the phone as a gasp of surprise escaped her lips after seeing the caller's name.

"Carl?" She uttered in disbelief, as he had never reached out to her so soon after spending the night together.

"El! Why did you leave so early? I thought I made it clear that we needed to talk!" Elena raised an eyebrow and let out a soft scoff.

"Well, I'm sorry, but from my understanding, you weren't exactly clear about it. I assumed it wasn't that important since you didn't mention anything after calling me to your condo last night." Elena tilted her head, attempting to explain her motives for leaving so soon. Carlton sighed and hastily got out of bed, pacing back and forth.

"I was just so excited to see you last night that I completely forgot. I really thought you would stay a little longer so I could explain everything to you!" He muttered, rubbing his forehead. Elena couldn't help but chuckle upon hearing his words.

"Then tell me now before I reach my company!" She urged. Carlton sighed in disappointment, his head dropping.

"No, I can't explain it over the phone. I need to tell you face-to-face!" His voice carried a hint of anxiety. Elena found his insistence rather peculiar, but she had pressing matters to attend to and couldn't spare the time.

"Carl, I'm sorry, but I don't think I can make it. I'm swamped with work, and if you don't want to wait a week to see each other, you'll have to tell me over the phone." Carlton cursed silently, realizing he had made a mistake by not explaining his intentions when he called her to meet.

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