ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 6: ᗯᗩᐯEᖇIᑎG ᒪOYᗩᒪTY

188 18 1

2 weeks later

Elena came to a sudden halt, craving a momentary respite from the chaos. The day had unfolded as a relentless cascade of misfortune, a true test of her resilience. As she ventured into the office, an unrelenting storm of distressing updates descended upon her from all corners of her company. The ceaseless barrage of negativity had drained her entirely, leaving her feeling both physically and mentally fatigued. The lines etched across her face mirrored her exasperation, a silent message understood by Erica and Clover, knowing she had finally reached her breaking point.

Suddenly, a loud and jarring bang echoed through the meeting room, silencing everyone. Elena's patience was wearing thin, and she couldn't contain her anger any longer.

"Do you not see me? Have you all lost your sight? Or have you conveniently forgotten who is in charge here?" Elena's piercing stare served as a stern reminder for everyone to toe the line. The room fell into a palpable silence as wary glances were exchanged. The once orderly meeting had gone off the rails, leaving the stunning withdrawal of their key suppliers and distributors a mystery. This sudden twist of fate created a serious dilemma for Active Balance, as their eagerly awaiting customers had been prepared for the launch of their groundbreaking system thanks to the company's extensive promotional efforts.

Elena's determined voice filled the room as she declared, "There is no doubt that our partners have been anticipating the launch of our latest product. It is inconceivable that they were unaware of this fact." A unanimous nod rippled through the room, confirming Elena's assertion.

"Miss McLain, rest assured that we have sent the letters as planned," the head of procurement interjected confidently, his voice coming from the left side of the table.

Elena scanned the room with an inquisitive look in her eyes, making a silent connection with each person present. Her question hung in the air, eager to unlock the depths of their collective knowledge.

"The contract negotiations have been temporarily suspended," a hushed voice whispered from the shadowy corner of the room. Elena's thoughts drifted aimlessly, meticulously dissecting each fragment of information that crossed her path, desperately seeking a resolution to this enigmatic predicament.

"! I demand that Procurement immediately provide me with all terminated contracts and those requesting time before renewal!" Elena rose from her seat and asked everyone else to do the same.

"I expect to receive them by tonight, no later!" She declared and left the room without saying another word. The weight of her responsibilities weighed on her mind and visibly affected her physical well-being. As she made her way through the corridors, Elena stumbled momentarily, but quickly regained her composure and continued on her way to her office.

"Elena? Are you in there, Elena?" Clover called from outside her friend's office, knocking on the closed door. Upon entering, she was startled by the sight of a figure sprawled on the floor. Clover was stunned as she saw the harrowing scene before her. Elena lay unconscious on the cold marble surface of her office.

Throughout history, humans have been responsible for causing immense suffering to one another. This sad reality has persisted relentlessly, without any glimpse of an alternative in either the past or the present. What truly breaks our hearts is observing how the pain endured by the wounded can gradually mutate into a toxic concoction of hatred, fury, or even paralyzing fear. Yet, amidst this grim truth, there exist precious few instances where life allows for a remarkable transformation. In these fleeting moments, the agony and animosity of the wounded souls miraculously blossom into something extraordinary - love.

No one could have foreseen this outcome in him. No one had warned him of the lurking danger. Unbeknownst to him, all the rebellion and ridicule directed at the individual who had proven to be a risk had morphed into a mysterious entity. Something he struggled to fully comprehend. It possessed an overwhelming and extraordinary power, so much so that his mind was consumed by it for nearly a year.

"Carlton. I just can't understand why you're blocking our chances to work with all the prominent suppliers and distributors she has. It's absolutely absurd that you're limiting cooperation to just a handful!" Grant's restless footsteps echoed in his friend's office. Carlton was exhausted by Grant's relentless pursuit of monopolizing Active Balance's connections. His moral compass forbade him to engage in such a heartless endeavor, especially toward the woman who now held a significant place in his life.

"Grant, for God's sake, enough!" Carlton's frustration exploded as he forcefully brought his hands down on the desk, his weariness seeping into his words

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"Grant, for God's sake, enough!" Carlton's frustration exploded as he forcefully brought his hands down on the desk, his weariness seeping into his words. The incessant repetition of the argument had become unbearable for him.

"Do you not understand the implications of our targeting their suppliers and distributors? It will undoubtedly arouse suspicion of our role in their company's demise. It would be painfully obvious. I implore you, consider this!" He snapped, his friend's desperation evident, yet his unwavering gaze held firm. Grant scoffed in disbelief, his eyes locked with Carlton's in a challenging stare. But a flicker of doubt crept into him, sensing that Carlton was hiding something, his eyes inadvertently revealing another truth.

"Something's different about you, my friend. It's as if you've become a whole new person!" Grant's hands tightened into fists, his voice tinged with exasperation. Carlton furrowed his brow, perplexed by his friend's sudden accusation.

"What are you talking about now?" He asked, weariness seeping into his tone after months of enduring Grant's suspicions.

"I think you know exactly what I mean! You just don't have the balls to tell me the truth about what's really going on with you! Why you've been so soft on Active Balance, our damn competition!" Grant stood his ground, unrepentant. They were friends, yes, but that didn't mean they couldn't be brutally honest with each other sometimes.

"Now I see the immorality and sadistic nature of your views and plans. I mean, I know we shouldn't care how they feel, because I'm sure the competition wouldn't show us an ounce of sympathy if the roles were reversed! But it's just not right to bully them when we could try harder and surpass them in a more honorable way! Carlton muttered, disappointment etched into his face. Grant scoffed, his gaze piercing.

"Everything you just said is the reason why we will fail from now on! And it will be all your fault! Keep being a class act, because when you finally open your eyes, everything will be lost!" Grant spat, leaving a distraught Carlton in his wake.

"Everything you just said is the reason why we will fail from now on! And it will be all your fault! Keep being a class act, because when you finally open your eyes, everything will be lost!" Grant spat, leaving a distraught Carlton in his wake

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Grant surely has a temperament!🫣

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