ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 80: Eᑎᗪ Oᖴ TIᗰEᔕ

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Martha held a secret close to her heart, believing that no one could uncover it but herself

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Martha held a secret close to her heart, believing that no one could uncover it but herself. She knew that time had a way of revealing all secrets, yet she couldn't fault anyone but herself if her hidden truth came to light. Her secret hung over her like a heavy weight, threatening to consume her if it ever saw the light of day. It was a delicate balance, as she fought to keep her secret locked away, knowing that one day it might break free and hold her captive in its grasp.

Martha had meticulously crafted a facade of normalcy, hoping to keep the truth hidden from prying eyes. However, she knew deep down that the inevitable moment of revelation was drawing near.

The weight of her secret bore down on her, reminding her of the deception she was perpetuating. With each passing day, the charade became more unbearable, as she grappled with the realization that withholding the truth was just as deceitful as telling a lie. The burden of secrecy weighed heavily on her conscience, threatening to unravel the fragile web of falsehoods she had woven.

Martha had become accustomed to bearing the weight of her darkest secrets in solitude, believing that no one needed to hear her confessions. She had carefully guarded the depths of her past, convinced that those curious enough to uncover her hidden truths would have to come closer than anyone ever had.

Yet, unbeknownst to her, her husband had long been aware of her secret, choosing to silently carry the burden alongside her without ever broaching the subject. In her isolation, Martha remained oblivious to the fact that someone so close to her had been privy to her innermost demons for years, choosing loyalty and love over confrontation.

MARTHA!!?" As James called out her name, Martha felt the weight of his words settle heavily upon her. Elena's shocked expression mirrored Martha's own inner turmoil as the heart-wrenching truth unfolded before them. Try as she might, Martha found herself unable to utter a single word, her throat constricted by the overwhelming terror of the moment.

For years, she had guarded her secret with unwavering determination, believing it to be buried so deep that it could never be brought to light. But life, she realized in that moment, was never predictable or straightforward. The unexpected revelation had shattered her carefully constructed facade, leaving her exposed and vulnerable in a way she had never imagined.

"Mom? Mom?!" Elena cried out, her heart aching as she witnessed her mother's inability to meet her gaze.

"Your mother has hidden this truth from us all, but I sensed it from the moment I first held you in my arms," James revealed, his gaze unwavering. Elena emitted anguished sounds, her heart plummeting into a void of numbness. The weight of the pain she bore threatened to shatter her, yet she remained standing, a testament to her enduring strength amidst the turmoil.

"And you must be wondering why I didn't abandon you," he continued, his voice firm. "It's because you are still my family." Elena met James' gaze, his intense and authoritative presence emanating from him as he observed her in response.

"I... I never imagined my life would turn out like this! To be broken, both physically and mentally, by my own parents," Elena stammered, her voice trembling with a mix of emotions. "For years, I tormented myself with feelings of neglect, despair, shame, anger, sorrow, grief, and jealousy. I always believed I was the unwanted child, and now it's clear I truly am the unwanted child." As the harsh reality set in, she choked back tears and began to retreat, overwhelmed by the weight of her realization.

"NNOOOOO, ELENA!!!" Martha's scream pierced the air as she witnessed her daughter aiming the gun at herself. With tears streaming down her face, Elena pressed the gun against her forehead, the side of her temple, in a haunting display of despair. James felt his heart lurch in his chest as he watched in horror, fearing the worst as Elena threatened to take her own life.

"I'll make it easier for everyone, including myself! I'm just so tired. So incredibly tired," Elena stated with a trembling voice, the weight of her pain evident in every word she uttered, consuming her very essence.

 So incredibly tired," Elena stated with a trembling voice, the weight of her pain evident in every word she uttered, consuming her very essence

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"Elena, please... don't do this!" James begged, his voice filled with desperation as he witnessed Elena's reckless actions unfolding before him. Martha's wails echoed through the room as she watched her daughter on the brink of taking her own life. It was a nightmarish and terrifying scene for everyone present. Pain has a way of altering people, regardless of the circumstances. The most profound joy and deepest agony often stem from relationships with others. The relationship she yearned for had never truly existed, and that realization shattered something deep within her.

"I'm exhausted and drained! I can't bear to continue in this cruel existence. I refuse to suffer slowly until my last breath. I simply want to stop the bleeding," Elena uttered, her eyes devoid of life as she maintained a firm hold on the gun pressed against her forehead. Martha felt the ground shift beneath her feet, the weight of her daughter's words hitting her with a force that threatened to knock her off balance.

Elena cast one final, lingering glance at her parents before pulling the trigger. Time seemed to slow down in Martha's world. She should have realized sooner - the heart withers away gradually, shedding each hope like leaves until there are none left. No hope. Nothing but emptiness remains.

Martha stood frozen, her eyes wide and unblinking, as if the entire world was shattering and collapsing around her. The deafening gunshot reverberated through the mansion, accompanied by the relentless downpour outside. In that moment, she was struck by a paralyzing realization of what had befallen her beloved daughter. Unable to contain the overwhelming heartbreak any longer, Martha crumpled to the floor in a disheveled heap, her grief pouring out in an uncontrollable flood of tears.

"ELENA!!" The anguished cries reverberated through the mansion, the sound of suffering piercing the air as James stood frozen in shock, unable to comprehend the rapid turn of events. His vision blurred, making it challenging to discern the agony unfolding before him. Never in his darkest and most devious thoughts had he imagined the possibility of Elena discovering his hidden gun. It had been stashed away in the mansion, locked and loaded with a single bullet. Unbidden tears streamed down his face, a testament to the overwhelming remorse and despair gripping his heart.

Fate had a twisted sense of humor, often cruel in its ways. In this instance, it seemed to play a cruel trick on her, though deep down she understood that she was to blame. She had pushed her luck for far too long, and now the consequences had caught up with her abused heart.

Elena 🕊️

The Secret Heart|Jisoo|Haein|TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now