ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 26: ᗪEᔕᑕᖇIᑭTIᐯE TᕼOᑌGᕼTᔕ

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Kelan was taken completely by surprise by Erica's shocking revelation. The news that Elena was the friend Erica had mentioned took him by surprise. Their friendship had started with a casual compliment from Erica one day. It all started when he was called out of the kitchen to receive praise for his exceptional culinary talents. From that moment on, they had forged a real bond, with Erica often seeking him out for a quick chat before his shifts began.

As the clock neared ten in the evening, Kelan struggled to maintain his concentration on his work. Despite his efforts to stay focused, his thoughts kept drifting to Elena's welfare. He let out a heavy sigh, pausing in his plate decoration. With only the finishing touches of sauce left to complete the dish on the pristine white plate, Kelan couldn't shake off his worries about Elena.

Raymond observed Kelan with attentiveness, he had to if not multiple accidents would have occurred by now because Kelan was completely distracted after he had seen him talking to that one girl from a while ago. And then expected situation happened yet again, the plate accidentally fell of his hands right before placing it for take out. Raymond sighed as he walked towards the commotion at Kelan's work station.

"Kell, why don't you just take ten minutes!" Raymond uttered as he dragged him away from the broken pieces of glass.

"Just leave that....I will call for assistance here! I just need you to get in my office and take a break!" Raymond said as he stared into his wary eyes. Kelan let out a deep breath as his hands frustratingly carded his hair backwards.

"I'm sorry!....I....dont know what's happening! I'm completely out of focus and completely not my best right now!" He mumbled back as his face showed nothing but hardships.

"It's fine.....we all get that at some point in our lives! Don't worry I will tell Simon to fill in quickly for you!" He said while holding Kelan's arms. However, Kelan slowly shook his head as his eyes steadily looked at his friend.

"I don't think I can keep on working! I... got too much in my head...I don't feel my best right now, Ray!" He confessed leaving Raymond startled for a brief moment.

"Oh, that's unexpected to hear from you, but I get it! And I totally agree! You should head back home to clear your mind of any distractions," he remarked, studying Kelan's face intently with a narrowed gaze.

"Hey, what's going on in your head? What did that lady say to you that has you so disconnected from yourself?" Raymond asked with concern, but Kelan simply sighed in reply.

"I need to go!" he declared, making a move to leave, but Raymond quickly grabbed his arm.

"Please, be cautious out there! I know I always say this, but you're still a fugitive in Eldoria! And even though we are here in Arnovia, I don't want you to let your guard down!" Raymond whispered urgently, concerned that Kelan's lack of presence could lead to his capture and possible harm. It was late at night, and the dangers lurking outside were even more threatening without proper vigilance.

"Ray, you don't have to keep bringing that up every damn time!" he snapped in frustration, yanking his arm away and heading towards the exit. As time went by, memories of his brief encounters with Elena revived inside his head. Sitting on the bus, he gazed out the window at the passing scenery, lost in thoughts and concerns for a woman he barely knew. The most startling realization was that Elena was involved in the consumption of dangerous substances—something he found truly alarming.

 The most startling realization was that Elena was involved in the consumption of dangerous substances—something he found truly alarming

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"Elena... where on earth are you?"

"For heaven's sake, just give me a call at least..."

"I can't believe I didn't ask for your number that day..." he muttered to himself, feeling a sense of regret as he sat alone at the back of the bus. However, as the bus came to a stop near his neighborhood, he promptly disembarked and made his way towards his house.

A sudden realization struck him as he caught sight of Lance. The man was notorious in the neighborhood as the "Candy man," selling all kinds of drugs to those willing to pay his price.

"Lance?!" he mumbled, his thoughts quickly connecting Elena's unexpected visit in his neighborhood with the sight of Lance.

"No! She came here to buy drugs!" Kelan exclaimed in utter disbelief, his heart dropping at the realization. A surge of determination coursed through him, propelling him to swiftly compose himself and head straight towards Lance's location.

"Oohhh... look at that, guys..."

"I told you... this guy... is only a saint in his own house!" Lance taunted his friends gathered on the porch. Kelan's stern expression was unsettling to Lance, for Kelan remained an enigmatic figure to everyone. While he was known to be a decent and moral man, little else was known about him.


"I need to have a word with you!" Kelan stated firmly, refusing to acknowledge their taunts.

"What's going on, pretty boy?"

"Or should we call him 'Father'?" Lance retorted to his friends, who erupted into laughter.

"Ha...ha...do you guys get it? Because he looks like a priest!" Lance continued to mock, provoking more laughter from the group. Kelan took a deep breath, then stepped forward, returning Lance's sneer without a hint of remorse.

"Charming... so now you're a comedian! A bit rusty, if you ask me! But hey, I get it... You've got all the tact of a bowling ball!" Kelan retorted, standing tall and confident as the others chuckled at his comeback. Lance cleared his throat, sensing Kelan's condescending demeanor.

"What do you want?" Lance muttered, crossing his arms. Kelan locked eyes with him, sensing Lance's desire for him to depart.

"I know you saw me with a girl the other day! She's not from around here, and I noticed her hanging around this area that night," Kelan muttered. Lance smirked and tilted his head slightly.

"That girl... the one I saw you leading into your house? Tell me, Kelan... did you get the chance to give those ass cheeks a good squeeze....I mean a good prayer?" Lance said with a sly smile. A surge of adrenaline pulsed through Kelan's veins.

"Watch your mouth... don't even think about it, you sick bastard!" Kelan scolded, grabbing Lance's collar. The others in the background quickly sprang to their feet and hurried over to Lance.

"Stand back, boys" Lance muttered, unfazed by Kelan's aggression.

"Fine,... I won't spread rumors about your business around here... I just find it intriguing how you're pals with a junkie!" Lance remarked, his expression turning more curious.

"She came to buy drugs? What kind of drug?" Kelan asked in utter disbelief, his heart sinking as Lance confirmed his suspicions.

"Heroin," Lance responded, noting the hardening expression on Kelan's face.

"You sold her heroin?" Kelan stammered in disbelief. Lance chuckled at his reaction, finding it almost comical that Kelan was concerned about Lila's drug use.

"I mean... why are you so surprised? Isn't she your friend? Or should I say your 'friend with benefits' because I saw how you pushed her against the car and kissed her passionately, not very priestly behavior!" Lance mocked, grinning broadly. Kelan yanked him closer in frustration.

"Lance, I'm well aware of how wicked and morally corrupt you are... I know you claim your heroin isn't adulterated, but we both know that's a lie!" Kelan declared with steely eyes, tightening his grip on Lance's collar.

"If I find out that something terrible happened to my friend, I swear to God that the last shred of respect I have for you will disappear!" Kelan threatened Lance, pushing him away decisively.

The Secret Heart|Jisoo|Haein|TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now