3. Tell me Everything

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" By the time I got home that night after work and a beer with the extras my mind was still trying to process what happened at 356. I was sure that there was some logical explanation for it all, but still some of that shit was werid, even I could admit that."

" After I had showered and laid down with my mind still in overdrive, I remembered the picture that I had discovered from the bookshelves. You have never seen someone get the fuck out of bed so damn fast as I did to grab that picture from the pocket of my hoodie."

"I removed it taking it to my desk so I could get a better look at the thing under my desk lamp. It was still dusty as fuck so after some online research on how to clean it without damaging it I sat there like a lunatic for the next hour with a Q-tip and some concoction I made gently wiping down a picture of a God damn stranger I found in an abandoned house."

" Now I have found a lot of crap left behind in some of the houses I've worked on, it's fucking amazing sometimes what people will leave without a second thought and all of it I have always tossed right in the trash without even a passing glance but this is the first time I ever inspected anything so closely, picked it up and took it home. Not only that but than sat after a long ass day and painstaking cleaned it. I'm starting to question my own sanity at this point, but my curiosity was getting the better of me and for whatever reason I had to see who the hell was in the picture."

"The Q-tip and cleaner thing actually worked and finally a clearer veiw of the person in the picture could finally be seen. As I shifted it under the light I could see it was definitely a guy, he looked to be about my age, his hair was deep green with black undertones and as I brought it closer to my face I could see he had freckles. He was smiling, a smile so big it took up most of his features making his eyes close but dimples pop. I have no idea why but I couldn't help but slightly smile at the sight as I continued to go over the details in the photo. He had a smaller frame than me, not as muscular for sure but not skinny or scrawny either. He appeared fit and tone, maybe a few inches shorter than me. He was dressed in basics, jeans, a dark green tshirt, black Converse."

" My head shot up at that point, when I noticed the Converse cause remember? The fucking tracks up the back of the stairs. My heart kicked into overdrive without me really noticing as my mind raced. I looked back at the picture then noticed he was holding a book. My eyes searched over the photo and slowly when something else caught my eye. He was standing in front of a book case but not just any shitty bookcase, the one I ran my hand over inspecting just hours before, the one that I found this picture in. Now if you extras have been following along with my story here you'll remember that while I was looking at the book case I mumbled something about someone at one point must have loved it enough to redo it and that's when the cabinet holding this picture popped right the fuck open."

"So obviously since he was standing in front of that case this ment that this guy had lived in the house or at least been to it, this much I knew but I still could not fucking accept the ghost thing, but even I could admit some shit definitely couldn't be explained away. Stubborn right? Yeah I know, it's a fucking problem sometimes but it's me."

" I looked at that picture at least a hundred times that night. Even looked at again once I got in bed. Truth was whoever the hell that was was someone I'd be fucking attracted to if I met him out on the street. His smile pulled me in and even though I couldn't get a good look at the color of his eyes o figured they were probably equally as impressive as that grin he had going on."

" But who was he? That was the fucking question here wasn't it? A question that I lost a lot of sleep over that night which was visible on my face and my shitty cranky attitude by the next morning at work, especially to a group of loud extras who I wasn't in the mood for at all."

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