4. Information

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" I could tell by the look on Miss Jamison's face when she let me in that she was surprised and not so surprised to see me on her doorstep. After all she was the one who had warned me about the place to begin with. She offered me a seat but I was too strung up on what I had seen that I couldn't seem to sit still, so I fucking paced instead while she talked."

" Why don't we start by you telling me what got you all shook up? What did you see over there Katsuki? You tell me that and I'll tell you what I know and what I don't."

" I stopped my restless pace and looked at her, sure that what I was about to fucking say was going to sound absolutely insane. I mean it was wasn't it? I sure as hell would have thought so but this is Miss Jamison and she's as nutty as a damn fruit cake and believes in all this crap so she should at least humor me here."

" I saw a couple things, some I can maybe explain but some I definitely can't. First day I felt this cold rush and not just like a breeze but a freezing cold burst that went right through me. It didn't just brush my skin that shit went right through me and almost took me off my feet. Then there was this set of footprints on the steps that definitely weren't there at first but showed up right behind my own. There was also a window that was stuck shut so damn tight it gave me a hard time opening it but when I was standing by it it slammed the fuck down so hard with ease that I thought it might break and there was this set of handprints on it that I know damn well wasn't there at first."

"She listened to what I was telling her and I watched her seeing her face unmoving like she wasn't fucking surprised at all. Of course she wasn't she warned me before so I just kept on rattling away."

" Then there was today and it started out with nothing, everything seemed normal and for the first few hours everything was normal until shit hit the fan and got really serious."

"She raised a brow at this."

" How serious?"

" I shrugged not even sure honestly, but I kept talking."

" Hell I dunno, serious. Like lights cutting off and on, all my battery powered shit was drained but then some how my speaker kicked on with the most high pitched fucking staic I have ever heard and I know this is going to sound crazy but.. but I know I heard a voice through that crap say help me and that was backed up even further when on the damn bathroom mirror right in front of my eyes the words Help Me were written on the steamed up glass. I was pretty sure I was losing my damn mind at that point. It's hard to shake me, like really hard but even I'm going to admit I was pretty damn rattled. After that I came right here cause I thought you might be able to tell me about what you know about that place or whatever."

" She studied me before she said a word and for a minute I considered this old bat might actually think I was the crazy one, at this point I figured she might be right."

" Katsuki, come sit over here by me boy and calm yourself a spell while I tell you what I know about that place."

" I did as she wanted because I needed to hear whatever she knew about that place next door before I lost my God damn mind."

" Alright, so what I can tell you is that house over there had been in the same family for generations up until about four years ago. It had belonged to the Todoroki Family. Enji Todoroki was the one who owned it last, he lived there with his wife, two sons and a daughter. Now I've grown up round here my whole life and I've been familiar with other Todoroki's but never in all my years have I known a meaner soul to walk dis' earth than Enji."

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