5. Interaction

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" So you're wondering if I took my ass back to work across the street with that spirit board thing to talk to whoever or whatever right?"

" Well you would be fucking wrong if you thought for one minute I would break that shit out in front of those idiots I work with. Nope, not a chance in hell. Instead I got through the rest of my work day with nothing happening and then I went the fuck home and took a nap but by ten pm that night I was right back at that house with that damn board tucked under my arm like a damn lunatic."

" Alright, so listen and listen really good cause I'm not gonna repeat this twice and I will probably never say this shit again but I'm not gonna lie when I tell you that when I went into that house after all that shit I had heard from the old bat I was a little uneasy, but honestly not for the reason you might be fucking thinking. I wasn't scared of a possible ghost or even that voodoo crap, I was honestly afraid of what I might hear if this was the guy in the picture. I didn't want him to be dead or murdered or anything remotely close to that. And even though my mind struggled with the possibility that this would be real, something in me knew it might be. That's a hell of a turn around for me."

" So there I am. After ten, sitting in a fucking empty ass house on the floor with this fucking spirit board. I just stared at the thing for a minute, having no real idea what to even do with it. I remembered Miss Jamison just telling me to talk so I took a deep breath laid my hand on that werid thing that's supposed to move on its own when you ask questions and thought about what to say."

" Now I had vaguely remembered some stupid ghost hunting show that Shitty Hair had on one night when we were all hanging out. I remember the guy saying it was easiest to give the spirits or whatever simple yes or no questions."

" I considered my own sanity at this point, or lack of it. I mean two days ago I didn't believe in this shit at all, I was a hard-core skeptic. Now here I am trying to figure out what the flying fuck to say to a possible ghost."

" Finally I just eye rolled myself and bit the bullet and did what I do best. Ran my fucking mouth."

" Listen, I don't know anything about this stuff. I might just be crazy I dunno. I'm not sure how this works or if you can even hear me or if you even exist but something definitely happened earlier today and I need to know what it was so.. Izuku are you here?"

" I'm pretty sure at this moment I was holding my breath. Hell I wasn't even blinking, I was just staring down at that board with my fingers lightly on that pointer thing unsure if I wanted it to move or not. After a few minutes with nothing happening I was sure all this crap was nonsense but right as I was getting to pull my hands away that shit started to slowly move, to my fucking amazement."

" I'll completely admit it, I was fucking shocked as shit. I think my heart stopped and then kicked in to overdrive all at once. Now I always thought that when I saw these pointer things move on those ghost shows I thought for sure it was fucking fake and that whoever had their hand on it was the one moving it and maybe thats true in a lot of those shows but as for me and at that moment, I was definitely not moving it."

" I only had two fingers resting lightly on it, I was not moving a God damn muscle that's why it was so mind-blowing to watch that pointer slowly move its way across the board and come to a stop under the word YES."

" I felt sick suddenly as my heart hit my ribs so hard I could not only feel it but hear it. So this was Izuku, and if this was Izuku that means he's a ghost and I don't know about you but my definition of a ghost means you gotta be dead and this was causing an indescribable feeling to rise up inside me because I didn't want that to be the case, I didn't realize how much I didn't want that to be the case till right now and I wasn't even sure why. I didn't even know this guy, only had a picture and a description of his personality from the Hag across the street."

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