13. Finally

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" Now this information was not bad news for me. I had been itching to get a hold of that bastard ever since the day I found out who he was and what he had done to Izuku and his own kids for that matter. This guy was the scum of the god damn earth in my book and I had no fucking problem hunting him down and confronting him in my own in your face style, so I was definitely ready to hear whatever scars had to say, and man, did he have a lot to say."

" Alright so first thing you need to know is my old man is the head CEO of the biggest pharmaceutical company there is. Second thing you gotta know is he runs that place crooked as fuck. He takes kickbacks, over charges for certain lifesaving drugs that don't cost nearly that much to make. He's sold some of those drugs to overseas buyers who have bad intentions if you get what I'm saying. Plus let's not forget mister high and mighty pillar of the community is heavily involved in voodoo and other shady occult practices."

" My eyes grew dark, anger burning at my core because this guy was at the bottom of the barrel of world-class assholes. I was furious as I listened to him."

" I scoffed crossing my arms."

" So all that shit plus beating his wife and kids behind closed doors while trapping innocent guys to a life of long-term loneliness in the fucking veil of death because his crazy ass mind told him something was going on with his daughter. And by the way your sister doesn't sound all that innocent in this mess either by pinning the blame on Izuku to keep her bitch boy outta trouble."

" I wasn't sure how he might take that last statement about his sister, but honestly I didn't give two fucks either because in my eyes she was just as guilty as her scum of a father, but to my surprise he didn't disagree."

" Yeah, not gonna lie, that was definitely part of the problem. The old man is unstable on his own without any help from her. Sorry again Izuku, everyone in this messed up family let you down."

" It's ok Touya, you don't need to apologize anymore. I just really wanna get out of this place and leave it all behind me."

" I looked in the direction of that voice I was growing attracted to and nodded with confidence."

" And that's exactly what we're going to do, get you the fuck outta here. So alright Scars all that is great inside information but how the fuck do we prove any of it? Cause you know damn well he's going to deny it all."

" The look he gave me with a smile that was more evil than anything good told me Scars here had all the right answers to that question."

" Don't you worry Hot Head. I got pictures and copies of all those underhanded deals, plus pictures of his after hours activities. Like I told you, I learned a long time ago I had to be just as much of a sneaky, dark monster as he was if I was going to survive, besides I had a feeling it come come in handy one day and that day is today. I'll tell you where his office is and what to say to get inside to see him, I'll send all the pictures and documents to your phone and you just have to use your brute bad ass no backing down skills to do the rest. But listen, we only get one shot at this because if he knows we're on to him and decides not to tell you, he could hide that bag somewhere where we will never find it."

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