7. Dabi Todoroki

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" I cocked a brow at this extra standing here in all back with a joint hanging out of his mouth questioning who the fuck I was when he literally looks like he might have escaped a mental institution only hours ago but I had to keep what calm I have to try and get his help, if he could help, I honestly wasn't even sure."

" I'm Katsuki, Katsuki Bakugo. I was told you might be able to help me with something. That you might have some answers that I need."

" He stared back at me. Unmoving, just pricing electric blue eyes locked on until a slow smile formed that looked more menacing than pleasant."

" And who told you that?"

" I grunted with annoyance cause I didn't have time for this shit."

" Miss Jamison, neighborhood lady I know. I was told that your family owned the house across from her not too long ago. I'm working on the place and there's an issue I want to talk to you about."

" His expression immediately changed, a deep anger seeped into those blue eyes."

" That's not my family, hasn't been in a long time and I want nothing to do with anything that my father has owned or even touched, sorry I can't help."

" Before he could slam that door right in my face I stuck my boot inside preventing it from closing cause I wasn't fucking leaving here without some answers."

" Look I get it, you're old man sounds like a piece of shit from what I've heard so I don't blame you for not wanting to be associated with him, but this isn't really about him, at least not for me, it's about a guy named Izuku, that's why I need the help."

" Again, I watched his expression change and when he heard the name icey blue eyes seemed to soften as he opened the door a little more."

" What about Izuku?"

" I stuck my hands in my pockets looking around before I answered cause even though I know it's real it still sounds fucking crazy."

" My eyes met his again and mine held nothing but determination."

" I think he's trapped in that God damn house. No, I take that back, I know he's trapped in that house for the past four fucking years and I'm pretty sure your old man had something to do with it."

" He stared back at me, like he was trying to figure out if he believed me or if he wanted to help but either way he finally sighed and opened the door fully."

" Come in."

" After a few minutes I was sitting on an old torn up couch while he sat across from me in a chair with his legs stretched out crossed at the ankles hands behind his head like he didn't have a God dman care in the world."

"Alright, tell me why you think Izu is trapped in that hell hole?"

" I didn't like the nickname he used immediately, but I forced it down and pressed on."

" Crazy as it sounds, it's cause he fucking told me. With a spirit board after I had gotten s bunch of other crazy ass signs that he was there which includes the words Help Me that he wrote on the mirror."

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