10. Trip back to the Bayous

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" After I found some movie that we didn't even really watch and me sitting there on my sleeping bag scarfing down some food I ordered we talked pretty much nonstop. I even took another hit of that nasty frog ass swamp potion to be sure it didn't wear off."

" I'm sorry about the food thing and not being able to give you any. I feel bad as fuck about even eating in front of you, but I figured it was better than me passing out."

" He laughed gently but yet happily which made my night."

" It's ok Kacchan really, I don't feel hungry in this stupid ghost realm thing anyway. I do miss eating though like, a lot."

" I grinned with a nod"

" Yeah I bet, what's the first thing you wanna eat when I bust you outta here?"

" If you think you can't hear a smile, you are dead ass wrong. I heard him smile with every word he said next."

" Oh that's easy! Katsudon definitely! It is my absolute favorite! My mom use to make the best but then when I started college there was this place down the street not too far from campus and oh my gosh that was good too! Have you ever had Katsudon?! If not you should really try it Kacchan, it's sooo good. Hey! Maybe we can get some together if I ever make it out of this stupid house."

" I let him ramble with a smile on my face but an ache in my chest, he was so fucking happy right now and there wasn't too much to be thrilled with just yet but I loved the sound."

" I have actually had it, and guess what? I can even cook that shit, so I say once you we get you out of here I can make it for you and anything else you want."

" No way you cook too?! I mean is there anything you can't do?! I watch you work and you seem so good at what you do and you're really helpful with all, you just seem so... soo.."

" I raised a brow with a smirk."

" So?"

" There was a shy sheepish laugh."

" Amazing? Perfect maybe, both?"

" Now we talked about this before extras. I told you I was cocky and shit. This definitely fed my ego but more than that I wanted to be those things for him even if that meant admitting that I wasn't those things, at least not all the time."

" Well, I'm not gonna pretend that I don't like that you think that about me cause trust me I do. And yeah I'm pretty good at a lot of stuff I guess but not all the time. I'm human and I mess up but I'm gonna do my best not to mess anything up getting you out of here."

" Another soft laugh."

" You know that saying stuff like that just makes you more amazingly perfect right? I think you know what you're doing Kacchan."

" I am the Master of smirks, that's why I know he just gave me one. I grinned back with a wink."

" Hey as long as it's working. So you were in college? What were you studying?"

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