MARIO'S *16*

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For Dr. Jay; Candy Cool is the most important woman in the world, right now. To the MI6 Agent in him, who is on the hunt for an 1891 virus, the African Codex, it might be Candy Cool who will be able to open up that secret room in Justice Hall, his triple great grandfather's castle; because she is much more than just a radio girl; but does she have the keys? As the son of a mad scientist, a man who in his lifetime, performed uncensored, very unethical, very inhumane experiments for the British Military Intelligence Unit Six, including a cold, systematic poisoning of his own wife, that is, Dr. Jay's beloved mother, as the son of such a man, he can't help but make the connection between the Codex, Candy Cool, Canaan city and the blood lust, vis a vis, the growing pile of unexplained murders which his undercover alias is being tasked to solve. Is he up to the task? Is she a shape shifting monster, as Abram Silas described? She is the prime suspect, the real person of interest in the center of that attack in Judge Francesca Duke's property, because she was the target. Investigations lead him further to believe that she was ambushed in that house, yet, still able to gut the body of her attacker, bow to stern, with red hot claws. This thing, he cannot imagine it, of course, except in proper context...

That context, is becoming a nightmarish reality everyday that he wakes up to his own peculiar history, in Canaan city. He came to this city as Dr. Jay, but he's been here before, as a man he doesn't know; he doesn't know who he is, anymore. Is he a living reincarnation of his family's black sheep? Is Candy Cool a once upon a time 1891 Tribe Custodian, come back to haunt them all? An African woman he almost married, the true love of his former life? In proper context, is she living by reverse identity, as Idara Maye Hatta? If only the city's police chiefs, Nsidung watchdogs, were not trying to keep her from being sifted like wheat... If only he never saw the diary, but he did, and he took it, and he has read it, back to back, three times...

Maybe four times.

In 1891, the Canaan Tribe Custodian was raped by the founder of today's occultic syndicate, the Nsidung. Then she somehow became hexed, a victim of witchcraft; juju, and she tried to undo the spell, the spell being the application of the African Codex, loosing her life in the process. Perhaps, for proper context, the Codex is not with the secret things, in a secret room, somewhere in the castle of Justice Hall. No. The African Codex is in the blood of Idara Eyam Attah, it may even be more accurate to say, that it's in her bloodline.

The Agent in him wouldn't have any problem at all with delivering her up to MI6, in order for the codex, the virus to be 'extracted,' or, put more bluntly, 'harvested,' out of her DNA cells. However, the man who will object, is the Navy Commander. This is the love of his life. The seventeen year old Jay, will object. This woman is a victim of wicked genetic manipulation. The tired man, Dr. Jay, who sent in his letter of resignation, disgusted by all the double standard shenanigans of his government, will object.

Maybe they tinkered with his head, after his two tours in Afghanistan. Or, did genetic memories from his black listed ancestor, engraft into his DNA code also? Some of his doctorate classmates believe that sin can transfer itself, in a sort of multiplier sequence, to a generation, just like the bible kings, David and his adultery to, Solomon and his idolatry. Is his crazy, most phenomenal dream slash vision situation just a sad case of epigenetic memory? For proper context, in his bloodline, has he... inherited the feelings of a notorious hero, traitor, and nigger lover? Is Candy Cool a victim of polluted bloodline, a triple great granddaughter born with the hex of Idara Eyam Attah?

Is he afraid to meet her? Yes.

Dr. Jay sighs with bitterness. One last mission to save the world, his director said. But what if history is trying to repeat itself, and what, is he going to do, about it?

SOLOMON'S BRIDGE {Part II/WORK IN PROGRESS}Where stories live. Discover now